Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Martin Eden by Jack London - 825 Words

Jack London is among the many prolific writers from the United States of America who possess great artistic works ranging from great time novels ,short stories to plays just but to mention a few. He is fondly remembered for his great novel, ‘Martin Eden’ published in 1909. In the novel he tries to express the challenges faced by young writers who try to exploit their talent and passion in an area where little opportunities present themselves. This novel has stood the test of time with its relevance evident to date. It is a favorite to many young upcoming writers thus the main aim for writing this paper is to focus on the autobiography of Jack London as ‘Martin Eden’. Jack London’s Life Jack London was born in the last quarter of the†¦show more content†¦The author’s life is therefore fully reflected contextually in that through his protagonist in his novel, he successfully manages to explain his life experiences to the world. In the character of Martin Eden, Jack London shows how rocky, steep and rough the road to the prime of his career was in a time where success through individual hard work was not something to count on. Because of this societal mythology of lack of success through individual hard work Jack went to an extent of even loosing his fiancà ©e who lost faith in his efforts and resolved to break up with him, little did she know that his future was to shine bright some day. This is the reflection of London’s life from his main character in his novel ‘Martin Eden’. Elements of Autobiography in ‘Martin Eden’ by Jack London. Autobiography is one’s life story written down by the same individual, in this context, there is a lot of autobiography as we see the author Jack London in his novel ‘Martin Eden’ trying to explain his life experience as he struggled up the ladder of literary success in the character of Martin Eden, this is therefore autobiography. Some of the autobiographical elements well contained and elaborated in the novel follow shortly:- From the context of the novel, we see autobiography coming through clearly, firstly when one reads theShow MoreRelated The Call Of Jack London Essay example2187 Words   |  9 Pages The Call Of Jack London nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;During a time when man had gold fever, and philosophical views plagued the minds of many, one man took these views and turned them into great outdoor adventures. John â€Å"Jack† Griffith London, a twentieth century author, wrote The Call of the Wild, other novels, and short stories that depict the philosophical views of the time and added adventure to them by using his own life experiences that carried thousandsRead MoreLiterary Criticism : The Free Encyclopedia 7351 Words   |  30 Pagesinterchangeably with Bildungsroman, but its use is usually wider and less technical. 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