Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Business Ethics Microsoft Vision and Mission

Question: Discuss about theBusiness Ethicsfor Microsofts Vision and Mission. Answer: Microsofts Vision and Mission Microsoft is a frontrunner in the technology business. Its business activities include innovating, producing and licensing software as well as computer electronics. Also, the organizations social accountability actions emphasize on info technology and underprivileged societies around the globe. Microsofts vision statement is To help individuals and businesses realize their full potential. The vision statement defines the companys what the organizations technology products can do and what consumers can accomplish with such products (Shaw 2016). Microsoft mission statement is To empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. It puts emphasis on the empowerment that company products offer to its clients. The companys mission statement reflects the vision statement. Microsofts Structure Microsoft has a product type regional corporate model. The three core characteristics in the organizations design are product type segmentations, worldwide business groups, and geographic divisions. Product type segmentations are the primary feature of Microsofts corporations design. In this characteristic, the organization uses product or output as the basis for classifying workers and related capitals. This fundamental characteristic contributes to the companys capacity for product improvement (Lawrence Weber 2008). Worldwide business groups feature ensures that the firm operates as a whole. These function groups are on the basis of tasks vital to the computer technology business. Geographic segments as a structural feature helps in grouping operations in the organizations financial reports. Microsoft Corporation has a global geographic sphere. Microsofts Corporate Culture The corporate culture of an organization refers to values, behavioral expectations, and traditions among personnel. Microsoft organizational values ensure employees fortitude and competence to address corporate needs in the dynamic business of computer hardware and software products. The company utilizes its standards to enable innovation and customer satisfaction. The main features of Microsofts organizational culture include responsibility, excellence and innovation, receptiveness to clients, development mindset, and diversity. (Ali 2008). Ethical Business Strategies As a global technology business, Microsoft employs a continuously improving ethical business strategy. The company ensures that corresponding programs satisfy stakeholders interests. The firms corporate social responsibility lays emphasis on civil rights, environmental sustainability, and business openness. The key partner groups in Microsofts business include customers, employees, communities, investors, and governments (De George 2011) Customers are the top- priority partner in the companys business strategy. Clients chief interests are reasonably valued effective product and quality service. These needs determine the firms customer retention and sales revenue (Weiss 2014). Microsoft mollifies these interests through advances to offer innovative hardware and software merchandises to consumers. Moreover, feedback systems allow the organization to address customer issues encountered in using the product. Employees are the second in priority in the Microsofts business strategy because human rights are a fundamental aspect of the companys corporate social responsibility programs. The interests of employees are fair labor and employment practices and competitive compensation. Employees play a significant role in determining the organizations performance through human resource competence and production (Trevino Nelson 2010). The companys strategy meets the needs of employees by continuously improving employment practices that protect workers rights and establishing highly competitive compensation. For instance, the organization offers high remunerations to skilled workers to contend with other technology companies. Communities are a major stakeholder group in Microsofts business strategy. Microsoft uses various programs, including providing donations and contributions to charitable groups that support societal growth. Also, Microsoft uses renewable materials for its computer technology products to minimize the environmental impact of its business. The interests of investors are business growth and accurate financial reporting (Bowie 2017). The organization satisfies their interests by disclosing about their business. Governments are also a major stakeholder group. They are significant because they determine the company limits in its business activities. These stakeholders are interested in the organizations legal and regulatory compliance and its contribution to the economic growth. Microsoft satisfies these interests through rigorous measures in the organization. Microsofts guidelines require compliance with labor regulations, consumer security, product safety, and environmental rules. Microsofts Offensive Strategy Microsoft offensive strategy is a marketing initiative to move the ball down the field. Microsoft has been running an advertisement showing regular tech buyers comparing PCs in a computer store then walking out with a PC with more features that cost less. The advertisement aims to show consumers that Microsoft provides more features at a consumer friendly price compared to its counterparts. Effects of Ethical Branding and Corporate Reputation Microsoft has a positive status by its brand image, quality products, an account of innovation, and various humanitarian and edifying programs. The organization has regularly topped the Cision Corporate Media Reputation Index as a result of positive media coverage. The organization prides itself on its ethical standards which strive to conducting business ethically, responsibly and with integrity. Effectiveness of TBL Reporting (Corporate Social Responsibility) Microsoft is dedicated corporate activities that uphold social and environmental accountability. In addition carbon reduction and recycling programs, Microsoft strives to make its products efficient. Furthermore, the company partners with governments, corporate and law enforcement organizations to combat cybercrime and find ways to ensure safe internet use. Microsoft takes into account the needs of other stakeholders such as employees, customers, and partners to achieve their long term interests (Lindgreen Swaen 2010). Impact of Foreign Standards on International Business Foreign ethical standards determine the ethical behaviors of companies. The three guiding principles that help in shaping the ethical behavior of corporations are; respect for the fundamental human standards which define the absolute cutting edge for all corporate undertakings, for indigenous customs and the conviction that setting is significant when determining what is wrong and what is right (Rossouw et al. 2010) Despite the differences in cultural and religious traditions, people should not treat others as objects they must acknowledge individuals as human beings. Also, individuals and societies should handle people in ways that consider basic human rights. Finally, members of a society should work together to develop and build foundations that are the backbone of the society. Appreciation for human dignity, regard for human rights and social responsibility are the fundamental ethics that companies should consider when formulating and evaluating standards of ethical conduct at home and abroad(McWilliams, Siegel Wright 2006). Lifecycle Assessment of the Product Microsoft product life started on the mission that aimed at having computers at home and on every desk running on Microsoft software. By the second epoch of the 21st era, computing has fled the desk and home and has been diffused into mobile devices. To ensure sustainability of its products, Microsoft should focus on mobile and cloud markets, directing their changes in most promising trends in contemporary technology development. Their development should aim at improving the productivity of users by creating one big and easily accessible platform by enabling synchronization of multiple devices, their apps, and features. Potential Legal and Ethical Issues Microsoft may have legal issues arising from antitrust concerns in addition to several patent violation cases. Potential legal issues may result from if Microsoft uses some inappropriate product promotion actions such as bundling other products with windows system thus running against the consumers right of free choice by making customers to only consume its products. Improving the Organizational Strategy As Microsoft competes with other organizations such as Apple and Google, it must continuously improve it business ethics strategies. To enhance business ethics in their business activities, technology developing industries or governments should set codes and guidelines of ethics to assist in decision making when the organizations are encountering some ethical dilemma. Effectiveness of Business Ethic Strategy Microsoft continues to grow and is a trustworthy organization in the eyes of consumers by comprehending its capability not only in innovating new technology but also in business social responsibility. Enhancing the way the corporation manages dealings with competitors and consumers enables Microsoft to progress in globally facilitating people and business to realize their full potential. Bibliography Ali, AJ 2008, 'Rethinking business culture', International Journal of Commerce and Management, pp. 18(3), pp.205-207. Bowie, NE 2017, Business ethics: A Kantian perspective, Cambridge University Press. De George, RT 2011, Business ethics, Pearson Education India. Lawrence, AT Weber, J 2008, Business and society: Stakeholders, ethics, public policy , Tata McGraw-Hill Education. Lindgreen, A Swaen, V 2010, 'Corporate social responsibility', International Journal of Management Reviews, pp. 12(1), pp.1-7. McWilliams, A, Siegel, D Wright, PM. 2006, 'Corporate social responsibility: Strategic implications', Journal of management studies, pp. 43(1), pp.1-18. Rossouw, D, Van Vuuren, L, Ghani, AHA Adam, MZA 2010, Business ethics, Oxford University Press Southern Africa. Shaw, WH 2016, Business ethics., Nelson Education. Trevino, LK Nelson, KA 2010, Managing business ethics, John Wiley Sons. Weiss, JW 2014, Business ethics: A stakeholder and issues management approach, Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

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