Friday, September 13, 2019

Choose a narrow topic of Public Relations within marketing Assignment

Choose a narrow topic of Public Relations within marketing communication, then write a critical review of theory relating to tha - Assignment Example According to various observations from different scholars, it has been identified that PR is regarded as one of the major, effective as well as versatile tools of marketing communication that enables to enhance as well as to develop the efficiency of each marketing activity. It can be executed by taking into concern both internal as well as external business environment of a specific organisation (Zerfass & Duhring, 2012; Xifra & Huertas, 2008). Based on the various literatures concerning determining the role and the significance of PR in the arena of marketing communication, the paper intends to critically analyse the contribution of public relation to the efficiency of marketing communication. The discussion of this report will mainly focus on critically reviewing different literatures concerning the role and the influences of PR in the field of marketing communication process. Moreover, different theories or models concerning the function of PR in marketing communication will also be critically reviewed throughout this discussion. With this concern, the description in this report will further focus on identifying the importance and oversights of conducting PR practices in the segment of marketing communication, especially concerning the events industry. Critical Review of the Literatures The emergence of modern trends that are followed by the global organisations has been found to be highly focused on enhancing the capability of the marketing communication through involving an effective PR process. With regard to the notion of marketing communication efficiency, Stroh (2007) revealed that PR is one of the major and widely used approaches for the modern organisations. According to the observation of the study made by Zerfass and Duhring (2012), it has been viewed that both marketing communication and PR simultaneously have been passing through a dramatic and evolutionary growth during the past few decades. Both these aspects have been noted to experience amaz ing developments in the global business world. PR can be recognised as one of the major independent functions of the modern business organisations. The concept of PR, being an element of marketing communication, insists the global organisations should practice different strategies to effectively develop the significant concern of PR in the marketing process (Cochrane & Hazou, 2012). Moreover, Arnoldi (2012), Prindle (2011), and Grunig and Grunig (1998) stated that PR is recognised to be one of the major contributory factors for an organisation to efficiently perform its broad assortment of marketing activities. According to Grunig and Grunig (1998), it has been apparently observed that PR offers two major benefits to different organisations that include increasing sales and raising business reputation that in turn could lead the organisations towards accomplishing their predetermined business targets to a greater extent. Watson (2011) and Grunig and Grunig (1998) noted that PR canno t be considered as a sales tool; rather, it can be viewed as an extensively effective approach that enables an organisation to

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