Friday, August 30, 2019

Lessons learnt about one-on-one communication Essay

Another point to mention is that even though it is the group of critics that are to blame, the speaker is not always just a victim. It is the speaker’s fault is he or she does not prepare for what is to be said, how to say it and what tone and anecdotal examples to use, keeping in mind the audience at hand. Therefore, planning beforehand is very important in all meetings as is the equal level of participation and input from all members present in the meeting. Answer 2: Example of a meeting I would plan and conduct and how it actually differs from what actually happens Using the above example of the business entrepreneurs meeting, I would try and plan for the meeting in advance and inform the members of what is to be discussed in the meeting. Before every meeting, the members will get an agenda of what is to be discussed in the meeting and what is to be expected of them. Punctuality and preparedness will be emphasized and encouraged. If any one has an idea that they want to discuss in the meeting, they will be asked to prepare for how they are going to present it to the audience. All criticism will be within limits and focus on the idea, rather than the person. The meetings will be around forty five to fifty minutes and focus on the topic at hand and not divert to unrelated issues. If someone comes up with an idea during the meeting, he or she is advised to write it down and mention it in the next meeting. In actuality, none of this happens. People have low attention spans and often get distracted and distract others as well. Also, punctuality is rarely observed and people often show up late, sometimes at the end of the meeting. Absenteeism is also a problem. Moreover, there are some who prepare half heartedly for what they want to share in the meeting and yet others who do not prepare at all. Furthermore, criticism is often focused on the person as much as the idea and personal grudges fostered. Finally, the meetings do not remain within the limits of the allotted time and therefore, people tend to lose interest and focus from the issue at hand. References â€Å"Oral† Communication: More than Words. Unit 3: Essentials of Oral Communication in Business.

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