Thursday, October 31, 2019

Working Capital and Financial Environment Case Study

Working Capital and Financial Environment - Case Study Example in this case, the most important elements in the environment are the other actors involved either directly or indirectly with a production process. In assessing the internal environment, the professionals try to identify all the relevant actors paying attention to stated goals and strategies. Abbott and Merck requires huge financial resources on research and development and financial internal control helps to evaluate and analyze financial situation and investments risks. In 2006, Abbott has $24.11 billion revenue while Merck has $23.34 billion. Merck operating margin is 24.48% while in Abbott operating margin is 17.84% (Abbott Laboratories 2007; Merck and Co. 2007). Internal control suggests that all activities are reasonably under control from the perspective of costs. Cost variances can be controlled by establishing a good change control process and sticking to it. First, all requests for changes are documented. The requests describe the impact of the change on costs, the schedule , the technical integrity of the deliverable, and other work being carried out. Once they are properly formulated, they are reviewed by a panel of players who are charged with overseeing progress on the activities.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Life & Wessex King Essay Example for Free

Life Wessex King Essay Life in the past was characterized with lots of battles between rival territories. This resulted to the rise of powerful empires and the measure of power during those days was through the number of wars fought. Warriors of those days were called Vikings. A Viking also denotes a pirate, merchant or explorer. These Norsemen normally used long ships to travel in the sea to all the places of their interest and used the same vessels to fight their enemies. The Vikings are traced to have originated in the early 17th century in the German territory. The initiator of Vikings in the Iceland is Erik the red. He lived all his life ruling his people after which his son picked the mantle from him (Gwyn, J. 2000). SCANDINAVIA The term Scandinavia is both a historical a major geographical part in the world. There exist also a people who are identified as the Scandinavians. According to the geographical setting, Scandinavia is located in the Northern Europe, a place called Scandinavian Peninsula. The kingdoms that existed in the Scandinavian region include: Finland, Norway and partly Denmark. A lot of research done also reveal that Sweden and Iceland also form part of this robust history. All these regions put together are further referred to as Nordic region. The geographical orientation of Scandinavia is rather ambiguous. The region spreads from the Norwegian Fjords all the way to the low areas in Denmark through the Scandinavian Mountains and to the archipelagos of Sweden and Norway. This region has diverse group of people and for this reason, there exist more that one dialect. The languages that were spoken in these regions included Norway, Sweden and Denmark dialects. These people usually understood each other and thus had mutual understanding. DO THE VIKINGS RIGHTFULLY DESERVE THE REPUTATION THAT THEY WERE CRUEL, MURDEROUS BARBARIANS? WHY? WHY NOT? The Vikings performed most of their ventures through wars. It is evident that a normal way of dressing was to be attire that is characteristic of a warrior. The males had war uniforms all the time. From the first time that the Vikings entered a territory, war had to be fought. It is mandatory that people must die in the event of war. The death of people was so common to these northern tribes that any one could talk of them to be cruel and murderous. Other ventures like sea piracy and looting were associated with brutality and blood shed. The victims of such encounters were left counting their losses if they were not dead. Erik who is one of the founders of the Vikings movement was actually observed to murder many people in his native land until he was expelled to go to exile, the result which led to the discovery of Ice land. EXPLAIN THE ROLE OF WESSEX, IN REGARD TO THE VIKINGS IN ENGLAND. The Wessex territory was known for its great power during the year 878. This territory had great potential that any attacker could admire. Te Wessex King of that time planed for a very efficient army that was to fight and defeat the Viking warriors. This king managed to resist the Vikings and with time became pronounced as Alfred the great. His territory was a centre for trade, commerce and administration. The Vikings however invaded this land and took loots from it as usual. The Wessex region acted as a real opposition to the advances of the Vikings. Every one feared the Vikings. The sight of these raiders approaching a region would send cold shivers down the guts of every king. King Alfred however managed to escape them, even though he was later cornered. The Wessex region became a home of habitation to some Vikings although others separated from the settling camp and continued with invasion. Wessex became a point mark towards bringing an end to the Viking advances in war. HOW DID THE VIKINGS CONTRIBUTE TO THE BREAK-UP OF THE CAROLINGIAN EMPIRE? The Vikings were a major threat to the kings during the Viking age. The Vikings attached Carolingian empire in the year 885 and 886 leading to the defeat of their kings. In 845, the Viking warriors sailed to seine in France and attacked it. The end result of this was a defeat to the Carolingian empire and the kings that followed were just puppet rulers who were initiated by the Vikings. This led to the fall of this empire and it took along time to come up again. EXPLAIN THE VARIOUS PHASES INVOLVED IN VIKING RAIDS. Vikings mainly had 3 phases of raids. The very first phase said to have lasted from 790-840. The Vikings used very shallow draught long ships. They always used these ships because they were suitable majorly for surprise attacks in the coastal towns. The size of these vessels was so small so that the Vikings could rush and attack very fast. With this they attacked Frisia and Aquitane. The second level of attacks occurred between 841 and 875 and the number of raids increased. The Vikings attacked by killing or enslaving their victims. With this, the attacks proceeded to the Mediterranean Sea. 876 to 911 saw the introduction of the third phase. With this, the Vikings started to invade frnce and other parts of Europe. They also developed their own fleets that were used to attack distance empires.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Management Essays Key Communication Skill

Management Essays Key Communication Skill Key Communication Skill The ability to negotiate is a key communication skill and frequently takes place in the context of meeting. How can meetings be managed to ensure useful outcomes are achieved, particularly when the participants may have very different objectives? Use examples from real meetings where possible. Abstract Business meetings frequently take place with the view to allow executives to explore and achieve desired organizational objectives. They are to communicate of plans, updates, progress and outcomes of business strategies. At times these meetings are also between parties outside the organization. Whichever the case, negotiation skills are critical in helping managers to persuade other participants to change their views and accept the ones that are presented at the meeting. The ability to negotiate therefore is key to communication at meetings and required by chairpersons/leaders/participants to conduct successful business meetings. IntroductionMeetings can be frustrating and at times not necessary if the objectives of the encounter are not clearly identified. Business persons get frustrated at the frequency and quality of the meetings they attend (or conduct) declaring them a waste of time and resources. The value of such meetings is compromised when parties attending the meeting come out unsatisfied and frustrated by the decision reached. With the rate of meeting timings increasing everyday in organizations engaging executives 75 percent to 100 percent of their time, the success rate is diminishing day by day due to rapid decisions made and implemented (Timm 1997). Meetings participants are likely to feel disappointed and unsatisfied with the results of meetings especially when they spend less time in preparing and planning for meetings they attend. It is therefore not surprising to find that there are numerous documents and books published on meetings and how participants can engage in fruitful endeavours without compromising their own position. As a formal communication framework, meetings can make or break a business therefore consideration for its success is critical. Negotiation as a key to communication skills must be integrated along with other meetings strategies with the view to ensure outcomes are achieved to the desires of the participants without frustrating either party. Purpose Statement In the following report the researcher shall outline how negotiation as a key to meetings communication skill can be used to achieve business objectives despite participant differences in objectivity. The report shall first outline the purpose of meetings followed by how business meetings should be conducted and what elements are critical for its success. This is concluded with recommendations for successful business meetings. ReportPurpose of communication Building a corporate culture is pegged in the setting up of an effective communication system. Organizations shape and influence the behaviour of individuals through powerful communication strategies and culture so that they can help in achieving organizational objectives. When used appropriately, communication can offer insightful analysis of the organizations vision and mission, goals and objectives and more importantly how these may be implemented. To perpetuate conducive business environment, executives and management often engage in communication dialogues for numerous purposes and on a variety of occasions. According to Deborah J. Barrett (Oliver 2004) organizations engage in communication to mediate change management. Executives and top management uses its communication framework to communicate the need for change to cope up with the dynamic business environment. They engage in meetings with employees to communicate identification of roles in car rying out tasks required for the change management. Employees and employer meetings therefore is a top-down approach to communication with the purpose to form powerful coalition, creating vision, empowering workers to act on vision, carry out plans and consolidating efforts for change management (Barrett in Oliver 2004). However, often management in the flow of forming their objectives fail to recognize the objectives of individuals working within their organizations, resulting in ineffective and useless weekly meetings that achieve less and waste more time and resources. In another scenario communication through meetings among managers to discuss and generate ideas and feedback on work progress is also normal. Purely administrative communication of this nature is carried out with the purpose to analyze and update on organizational progress. Managers of various departments communicate their intent, delegate by expressing their proposals and establish chain of command of internalized processes for plan implementation purposes. They communicate with other managers and executives to update progress and express their desire for shared resources or to provide feedback to evaluate existing or forthcoming problems within and outside the organization. In such instances the climate of communication may not appeal to the participants as each attempt to put forth their ideas and expect acceptance from the others. For this reason resistance and barriers to communication are expected. The participants tend to bargain or negotiate their way with others with the hop e to elicit collaborative actions (Ramundo 1994). Another and perhaps the most important aspect of formal communication in meetings is the objective to elicit business outcomes from individuals outside the organizations like sellers, suppliers, unions, shareholders or directors where the basic premise of the meeting is to negotiate and come to certain winning outcomes. Meeting participants therefore come to the room geared to negotiate and to reject opponents proposals. The purpose of these corporate meetings therefore is to overcome the barriers to communication and come out as the wining party. Negotiations in business meetings Meetings in todays business world compromise of participants negotiating defensively (Foster 2004). Whether one is a buyer, a supplier, a union leader or a client successful meeting participants are those who negotiate before the contract is signed. Spending some time to communicate the details of the contract like clauses, agreed upon provisions, price or salary can help the negotiator in achieving the desired outcomes. Once a meeting is convened, the participants assume the roles of the negotiators engaging dialogues that elicit their objectives and purpose for participating. It is best that participants define the objectives and account for the desired outcomes. Successful negotiators usually plan their strategies before hand so that they can concentrate on non-aggressive yet succinct dialogues to persuade the opponent in accepting their terms. For instance a union leader and a company management will likely have their strategies written down before they enter the meeting room. They are likely to engage in dialogues that reflect clauses that they plan to negotiate upon. Such planning is critical as it helps the negotiators to direct the meeting and also to save time by concentrating on the objectives only rather than engage in meaningless communication. In such situations James Manktelow of Mind Tools (2005) is of the opinion that negotiation skills are essential in meetings and conflict situations where the participants need to appropriate their dialogues to seek wining negotiation. The participants who lose out tend to become confrontational or harbour a grudge against the wining party. Consequently the modern adage for negotiation is to create a win-win situation whereby both parties gain from the negotiation. this approach is not only critical for resolving disputes and have a lasting effect on the business relationship but it also open up channels of communication in the long term. Nevertheless, this is not to say that negotiation dialogues always result in win-win situations. In cases of policies making, or buying of a house or selling a product negotiation often result in one party losing and the other wining. For this purpose it is recommended that the situation is dealt with in an amicable manner through excessive planning for counter arguments without having to be aggressive to the other person. The key to such business meetings is to negotiate the terms of trade rather than focussing on defeating the opponent (Manktelow 2005). Consideration for trades terms, alternatives, expected outcomes, consequences, and possible resolutions are critical to the negotiation situation. Communication in meetings Meetings as discussed in the previous sections are formal communications in organizations and businesses carried out by participants with certain objectives expressed and negotiated in the course of the meeting. Successful meetings are those that engage negotiation strategies to focus and achieve desired objectives. These strategies need to be carried out in a very conducive manner so as not to offend opponent yet reach the end results amicably. For this purpose, Joan Mulholland (1991) recommends certain kind of speech acts chosen to represent a range of meanings and significance designed to represent and develop negotiation content. These acts should be considered often and may be integrated in negotiation dialogues to express certain context and performance of certain actions. Mulholland posit that communication during a negotiation meeting entail the use of body language as well as speech specification. Careful use of language notations and sentence structure can greatly influence the results of the encounter. For example one of the most important parts of meetings is the participants acceptance or rejection of proposed ideas. Depending on the individual perception offer or proposal can be accepted, rejected or reach a compromise. Depending on how the proposal is presented the response from the participants can damage cooperation behaviour and result in conflict situation if it is rejected. To mediate and elicit a positive response even if the participant is hesitant about accepting the proposed idea should demonstrate a cooperative attitude by acknowledging the ideas without acceptance by saying Thats an idea worth consideration; given general acceptance like we would be keen to do something along those lines on day. or set up a response from other participants or voice hesitation before acceptance (Mulholland 1991). On the other hand in cases of real acceptance of ideas participants should not hasten to communicate acceptance immediately but should ask for additional information and reports to reach to informed decisions. The important aspect of the meeting is to show to the participants that the outcome should be mutual. Furthermore, acceptance in situations of business meetings should be entirely separate from the person who has communicated and negotiated the deal. The communicator should communicate the fact that the organization or institutions with which he is associated and himself are two different entities and any personal remarks should not constitute as business dialogues. The content or objectives of the meeting should also be separated from participants who attend it. These considerations are important for participants to be objective in their decisions whether it is a rejection or acceptance or something in between (Mulholland 1991). Hence, a human resources manager conducting a performance appraisal (a type of meeting) should communicate its objectivity and his/her role as the mediator and the organizations requirement. He/she should also communicate the separation of the employees records and performance outcome from himself the evaluator. Any negative outcome from the performance appraisal meeting should not be associated with the ill-will of the appraiser. This can be expressed through verbal communication between the participant s. Effective meetings The above dynamics are critical for influencing the progress of meetings in the desired direction of organizational objectives. However, implementing these dynamics does not necessarily guarantee efficacy of meetings. Instead there are certain procedures that need to be followed and managed for meetings to achieve its objectivity. Adair and Thomas (2003) prescribe preparation and the following formality:  ¢ planning  ¢ Informality  ¢ Participation  ¢ Purpose  ¢ Leadership They also outline the importance of purpose in meetings:  ¢ To pool available information  ¢ To make decisions  ¢ To let off steam/tension  ¢ To change attitudes  ¢ To instruct/teach Gathering information, reports, agendas and laying out technical data or equipment in advance are helpful. Meetings should be purposeful so that the information relegated is meaningful for the participants to absorb, analyze and make decisions. Whether it is a meeting of signing contracts, an employee-employer appraisal meeting or a purchase of an asset, advance planning is critical in enabling the participants to focus on the objectives. Since meetings are of groups of people from different background, different meetings tend to develop personalities of its own. Leaders or the chair persons must make efforts to understand the personality of the participants conformity, values, attitudes, prejudice or power so that they can effectively communicate in a certain manner to influence participants thinking (Adair and Thomas 2003). Furthermore, Kellie Fowler (2005) is of the opinion that running effective meetings is inherent in the skills of the leader who is managing the meeting. The leader should: Generate an agenda to all involved in the meeting Start the discussion and encourage active participation Work to keep the meeting at a comfortable pace not moving too fast or too slow Summarize the discussion and the recommendations at the end of each logical section Circulate minutes to all participants (Fowler 2005) But perhaps the most important aspect is the fine tuning of negotiation skills so that outcomes can be achieved. The first step is to choose the right participants to contribute to the decision making and problem solving initiatives. The key is to try to keep the number of participants to 12 and ensure that they are knowledgeable in the issue under consideration. The leaders role in enumerating on the agenda, guiding the participants and direct them towards it, and summing up of the debate is critical as he/she is the one who rounds up the various views to resolve the issues discussed. Confusions, misunderstanding and mix-up of any sort should be clarified before decisions are made. The basic premise for such meetings often stem from the debates or negotiating points presented by the participants. The leader or the chairperson acting as the mediator must keep the above communication principles and dynamics in mind to guide the participants in taking part in the decision and not feel neglected or lose out in the negotiation. Conclusion The above report on meetings enumerate on the process and management of effective meetings. It also outlines the importance of negotiation skills in contributing to successful business meetings under certain circumstances. The purpose of meetings as discussed is to focus on planned agenda and achieve desired outcomes. Many business meetings deviate from this focus and tend to result in inefficacy and waste of time. For this reason it is recommended that meeting participants develop planned agendas, focus on objectives and agenda, and direct the flow of communication dialogues in the same direction. More importantly, for business meetings to reach its desired conclusions, participants should engage in amicable negotiation strategies in which both parties attain a win-win situation. This adage has proven beneficial and fruitful for meetings participants as it relegated non-aggressive business conduct and communication yet at the same time achieves the desired corporate objectives. Successful meetings therefore are those that engage in extensive preparation, allow time for participants to understand agendas and purpose of the meeting and equip themselves with information for debates and discussion. Meetings that elicit positive response engage participants in positive and non-aggressive dialogues by allowing them to communicate their ideas and reservations. The leader or the participant has the choice to reject or accept or compromise but these should be communicated in an amiable manner without offending the opposing parties and at the same time do not compromise ones own position. Overall successful meetings are those that influence the objectives which the participants had before they entered the meeting room and persuade them to see ones own point of view and adopt it. References Barrett, D. J. 2004, A best-practice approach to designing a change communication programme from Sandra Oliver, A Handbook of Corporate Communication and Strategic Public Relations: Pure and Applied. Routledge: New York. p20. Foster, J. Jul 2004, Negotiate Defensively, Successful Meetings. Vol.53, Iss. 8; pg. 24 Manktelow, J. 2005, Win-Win Negotiation: Finding a fair compromise. Mind Tools, Accessed on 26-11-2005 from: Mulholland, J. 1991, The Language of Negotiation: A Handbook of Practical Strategies for Improving Communication. Routledge: New York p137. Ramundo, B. A. 1994, The Bargaining Manager: Enhancing Organizational Results through Effective Negotiation. Quorum Books: Westport, CT. p85. Timm, P. R. 1997, How to Hold Successful Meetings: 30 Action Tips for Managing Effective Meetings (30-Minute Solutions Series), Career Press.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Primacy of Poetry: On Tita Chico’s The Arts of Beauty: Women’s Cos

On Tita Chico’s The Arts of Beauty: Women’s Cosmetics and Pope’s Ekphrasis In â€Å"The Arts of Beauty: Women’s Cosmetics and Pope’s Ekphrasis,† Tita Chico contends that ekphrastic representations of women in The Rape of the Lock and Epistle to a Lady indicate Pope’s privileging poetic artistry over the art of cosmetics. In both poems, Pope exploits the humiliation of a â€Å"cosmetically constructed woman† in an effort to assert the supremacy of his own artistic authority (Chico 4). Chico uses other scholars―Laura Brown, Christa Knellwolf, and Felicity Naussbaum chief among them―to anchor the origins of her argument, but she immediately addresses their respective limitations. She gently criticizes other scholars for privileging the purely social aspects of Rape, thereby neglecting the implications of Pope’s aesthetic form. Exploring poetic form with particular attention to ekphrastic representation and the mock-epic genre enables Chico to extrapolate social significance and assert that aesthetic c hoice signifies Pope’s concern regarding the inherent value of different arts. That is, Pope’s heavily ekphrastic method of female representation effectively demeans cosmetic artistry, while lionizing his art of the masterfully crafted poem. Pope sought to keep the art of beauty in check—alleges Chico—as the power of cosmetic beauty â€Å"[threatened] to emasculate the viewer† (11). Chico offers a compelling evaluation of the relationship between Pope and his subject, particularly in her discussion of To a Lady, where the primacy of poetry over physical beauty is most evident. Rather than looking at female portraits, reading Pope’s poetry is the best way to seek â€Å"truth† about women (18). Chico shrewdly asserts t... ...Chico reiterates in her conclusion that Pope scorned cosmetics on account of their capacity to grant women artistic agency and render them evermore beautiful. And, as Chico most successfully maintains, Pope repeatedly conveyed the limitations of physical splendor—artificial pretense and transience chief among them—while privileging the power of his own poetic capabilities. [1] Chico discusses the following works: John Gauden, seventeenth century author of A Discourse of Artificial Beauty and In Point of Conscience between Two Ladies, argued that cosmetics enabled women to display their piety and goodness; The Art of Beauty, a 1719 poem by J.B., borrows Belinda as a character and satirizes the utter fatuity of the cosmetic realm; Joseph Addison and Richard Steele’s 1711 Spectator 11 chastises cosmetics and derisively labels these artificial women â€Å"Picts† (5).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Learning Outcome/Assessment criteria Essay

1.1Describe how being supported to live at home can benefit an individual? The service users gain a greater sense of normality, they will have more time to spent with loved ones or more likely to get visits from friends and family, they will be able to maintain a little more control and choice over daily routines. the individual service users can be surrounded by there own possessions with which can hold fond memories that are attached to some items from friends and family.individual service users see more:analyse factors that influence the capacity of an individual to express consent Being supported in there own homes, will have less interruptions or noise from other ’tenants or residents’ of the house which can cause or who may confused of situations e.g. review meeting or 1 to 1 personal meetings of how they are progressing in confidents and independence in there own homes. Support for service users makes it possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages individual service users with there disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence in ways which: †¢ maximise their independence and confidence †¢ maximise their rights and choice †¢ maintain their privacy †¢ maintain their confidence in there support received †¢ they are consistent with their personal beliefs and preferences †¢ meet safety requirementshomes. †¢ meet safety r†¢ maintain their confidence in there support received 1.2 Compare the roles of   people and agencies who   may be needed to support   an individual to live at home? 1.3 Explain the importance of providing information about benefits, allowances and financial planning which could support individuals to live at home? 1.4 Explain how risk management contributes to supporting individuals to live at home? 2.1 Identify with an individual the strengths, skills and existing networks they have that could support them to live at home? 2.2 Identify with an individual their needs that may require additional support and their preferences for how the needs may be met? 5.2 Identify any changes in an individual’s circumstances that may indicate a need to adjust the type or level of support?

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


WAS PERONISM TRULY A NEW DOCTR essays In Argentina, a type of populist politics, based on a coalition of urban labour and other social groups, emerged by the mid-1940s under the charismatic leadership of Juan Peron. For the first time the mobilisation of the urban working class became a major factor in the countrys political life, though only with the toleration of the army. Peronism began with the 1943 revolution, with a document written by General Juan Domingo Peron. In fact, it was written in barely 14 minutes because he believed that proclamations must be felt, not thought. Written in his own handwriting, it explained the prevailing situation, and the reason of the intervention of the Armed Forces to defend the sacred interests of the Nation, because it was necessary to recover the integrity, the National unity. On October 17 1950, Peron delivered from the balcony of the Pink House, Head government building, to the multitude united in Mayo Square, the essentials of the Peronist doctrine. These are 20 ideals that would eventually become the essential platform of the Justicialist party. The true democracy is that in which the government does what People want, and defends but only one interest: That of the People. Peronism is essentially a popular movement. Every political circle is anti-popular, therefore not Peronist. The Peronist follower works for the movement. He who works on its behalf but does it for a simple circle, or person, is a Peronist but only by name. For Peronism there is only one kind of person: He who works. In the new Argentina, working is a right that assures the dignity of all men, and it is also an obligation, because it is fair for every man to produce at least what he consumes. For a Peronist there can be nothing better than another Peronist. No Peronist should believe himself to be superior to what really he is, nor less than what he could be. When a Peronis...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Phosphorus essays

Phosphorus essays The element that is featured in this report is phosphorus. Phosphorus is a chemical element that human beings, animals, and plants need for normal growth. The main use of phosphorus is fertilizer. It was difficult to find a lot of different information on this element. Phosphorus is a nonmetallic chemical element that can exist in several different forms. The chemical symbol for phosphorus is P, its atomic number is 15, and its atomic weight is 30.975. Phosphorus was first prepared by the German alchemist Hennig Brandt in 1669; in the course of his search for the philosophers stone he obtained from a residue of evaporated urine a white solid that glowed in the dark and ignited spontaneously in the air. The name phosphorus is Greek for light-bringing. The name at that time was used for any substance that glows of itself, and was eventually given to this element. Phosphorus does not occur in elemental form in nature; it is found most commonly in apatite minerals such as fluorapatite. Their are at least ten forms of the element that are known, occurring within red, white, and black phosphorus categories or as mixtures of them. White phosphorus consists of molecular P(4) and can exist in an alpha form, which is stable at room temperature, and a beta form, stable below -78 deg C. White phosphorus is a waxlike substance, very toxic and extremely flammable. When it is exposed to air in the dark, it emits a greenish light and gives off white fumes. It can ignite spontaneously. Red phosphorus is a more stable form than white. Red phosphorus is a brownish-red powder and it can be obtained by heating white phosphorus to 250 deg C in a closed vessel or exposing white phosphorus to sunlight Red phosphorus is often considered a mixture of white and black phosphorus. It neither phosphoresces nor spontaneously burns in air. Red phosphorus should be handled carefully at certain temperatures because it can ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Regrets

, the United States seeks to benefit from its interaction with China only for the sole purpose of increasing its wealth and power. As for the liberals they believe that the United States involvement with China is for absolute gain, a pattern of policies that can improve society as a whole, is what truly engages international trade.... Free Essays on Regrets Free Essays on Regrets The realist perspective on international political economy can be seen in the United States international trade policy with China. The United States being an established world power seeks to further enhance its international role by engaging in trade with another nation, that being China, this reflects the realist main idea that the state occupies center stage in global political affairs. The United States willingness to engage in the world market signals the idea of self national interest that remind many of the policy followed by European states during the Monarch era. The idea is to maximize your own agenda, at the same token minimize your states possible loss through risky policy engagement. The realist view reflects many of today’s policy regarding international trade with China. On the other end of the spectrum, you have the liberals who soundly believe that the state should have a very limited impact in the international political economic arena. They feel that the states interest and their goals change along with the context of the I.P.E. situation. The liberal perspective also offers the idea of cooperation among negotiating states that oppose the realist view that cooperation has an underlining meaning behind it. The realists’ concepts and views ultimately render a more significant portrayal of U.S.-China international trade in comparison to the liberals’ perspective. It shows that the policy implemented reflects the United States sole interest in relative gains, in comparison with the liberals’ idea of absolute gain. In other words, the United States seeks to benefit from its interaction with China only for the sole purpose of increasing its wealth and power. As for the liberals they believe that the United States involvement with China is for absolute gain, a pattern of policies that can improve society as a whole, is what truly engages international trade....

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Admission Essay with 4 sections Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Admission with 4 sections - Essay Example In today’s business environment trends are changing quite dramatically and it is not possible to rely on experience only. Only professional education can help a person grow in potential in the realm of business and this is the main reason why I have opted for masters in business administration. This degree will help me cultivate newer ideas about management and will also aid the experience that I have accumulated over the years in supply chain management, project management, and manufacturing. Practical experience is very important in any field but I have realized that latest professional education of high standards can help me more in perfecting my management skills. I also believe that there is no age limit for acquiring education, especially in a today’s fast moving world. Trends are changing at a remarkable pace and newer techniques are changing the business environment on a regular basis. It is important to keep up with the latest trends and therefore at the age of 52 I have decided to enter into an MBA program. Age should not be a barrier for gaining knowledge especially if it can positively impact a person. I think that every learned human being can also contribute to the society. Education guides us in our social relationships and this positively impacts the society. I have chosen to pursue a master’s degree in business administration as it will help me in my professional life. Job market has become competitive and it is important to enhance our skills in order to gain a competitive edge over others. An MBA degree will put me above my competition as I have a vast amount of experience in management already. Learning the latest management techniques will help me improve my skills to a great extent and therefore I see my age as a positive point. My choice of Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business was not random. I was looking for an institution that will provide me with a high quality of education and at the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Analysis of the main forces driving the market for Essay

Analysis of the main forces driving the market for - Essay Example The first spike in the price of oil occurred in 1974, when the price of oil shot up to more than $10 a barrel as a result of the Arab embargo on oil owing to the Arab-Israeli war in September 1973. This was a significant event in the history of oil, as it demonstrated the power of oil in its impact on world economics and politics. (Williams, L.J. Oil Price History and Analysis). The period from 1974 to 1978 world oil prices remained more or less stable and turbulence free. Prices remained in the $12 to $14 a barrel range. (Williams, L.J. Oil Price History and Analysis). However two political incidents were soon to disturb this period of calmness. The Shah of Iran was deposed in 1979 and a theocratic government with a strong anti-American stance emerged from this revolution in Iran. This was enough to trigger a sharp rise in the price of oil around the world and was compounded by the Iraqi invasion of Iran in 1980 and as a result oil prices jumped to $40 a barrel. (Sjuggerud, S. Dr. History of Oil: The Single Greatest Prize in All History). This spurt in oil prices was to have two reactions. Exploration for oil in countries outside the OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) became more frenetic on one side and the OPEC countries increased production to stabilize prices leading to a drop in prices and by mid 1986 prices of oil dipped to as low as $10 a barrel with the increased production of oil outside the OPEC countries and within the OPEC countries. (Williams, L.J. Oil Price History and Analysis). In an effort to raise the low prices of oil, OPEC brought in a quota of production for the member countries and fixed a price objective of $18 a barrel in December 1986. This self enforced discipline by OPEC showed signs of failing even by early 1987, with member countries overshooting the production quotas

Opioid analgesics Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Opioid analgesics - Term Paper Example Opiod analgesics can be natural, semi-synthetic, fully synthetic or endogenous in nature. The naturally occurring opiods can be attaned by incising a seed pod which has a substance known as opium. This opium contains alkaloids and the primary alkaloid is morphine. Semi synthetic opiods are the ones that are created from these natural opiates. Examples of semi-synthetic opiods are hydrocodone, desomorphine and buprenorphine. Fully synthetic ones are the ones created totally in the laboratory and these include fentanyl and pethidine. Endogenous opiods are the ones that are produced inside the body and these include endorphins and enkephalins. Some names of opioids are Morphine, hydromorphone, oxymorphone, methadone, meperidine, fentanyl, sufentanil, alfentanil, levorphanol and codeine. Opioids are the most effective and best option of treatment of pain that has a chronic pattern and has been persisting for a very long time. It has been proved to be useful for unbearable and severe pain for relief. It is very useful in life hampering conditions which do not have a definite cure which include late stages of cancers and opioids are used in these pathologies. It is also an option of treatment for anxiety. Other clinical uses include the usage of these drugs in spinal analgesia. Opiods can also be used as drugs for the treatment of diarrhea. They can also induce sleep and hence can be used as sedatives. Another common indication for opioids is in decreasing the reflex of cough. Opiods can also serve as emetic agents and can be used to induce vomiting. Acute pulmonary edema is a clinical condition which can be relieved by the provision of opiods by the mechanism of dilation of the vessels. Certain opiods which have long lasting effects are used in the rehabilitation programs for the treatment of the opiod addicts so as to counter the withdrawal symptoms seen in these patients. The opioids are a class of drugs that have a good rate of absorption when they are taken by m outh. A few opioids serve as exceptions which include morphine, hydromorphone and oxymorphone. These drugs undergo the first pass effect before they enter the circulation. These drugs can hence be given by the parenteral route. These drugs have the capability of reaching the most of the tissues of the human body. They can also cross the placenta. These drugs are acted upon by the enzymes of the liver and are converted into forms of glucoronide. Their route of removal from the human body is via the renal system. Alcohol has the ability of increasing the effects of the opioids on the human body. Also in patients with pathologies of the liver, the effect of the opiods becomes prolonged owing to the inactivity of the enzymes of the liver. Opioids have the capability of working via three mechanisms that is via receptors, opioid peptides and via certain ionic pathways. The receptors of opioids are present in the peripheral nerves, in the cells of the gut as well as other important regions of the body. The receptors are classified as mu receptors, kappa receptors and delta receptors. The properties of the opioids responsible for relieving the pain are carried out via the mu receptors. The delta receptors are presented in the distal regions of the body and they are considered to be responsible for inducing tolerance to the drugs. The kappa receptors are considered to be responsible for inducing sleep. These receptors of the opioids act via the second messenger, G proteins. They function via preventing the activity of

Market risk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Market risk - Essay Example Even with the Security exchange commission, Federal Reserve still does not grantee immunization from the insecurity that comes with risk. FI’s have faced difficulties over the years for a multitude of reasons; the major cause of serious FI problems remains directly related to lax credit standards. These problems range from borrowers, counter-parties, poor portfolio risk management, or a lack of attention to changes in economic or other circumstances. These lapses in awareness can lead to decline in the credit standing of an FI’s counterparties. This experience is common in both G-10 and non-G-10 countries (Basel 1999). When discussing market risk there are many trading activities that have caught the eyes of regulators by FI managers. For example, in September 1995, a leading Japanese bank, Daiwa Bank was forced into insolvency because of losses trading in Japanese stock futures that took place at a branch in New York City (Saunders & Cornett, pp 258). Market risk can b e define as the risk related to the uncertainty of an FI’s earning on its trading portfolio caused by changes in market conditions, such as price of an asset, interest rates, market volatility, and market liquidity (J.P. Morgan). Understanding what is at risk when trading and investing on the market is of great interest to FI managers. There are divergent types of portfolio’s, which can be distinguished on a basis of time, horizon and liquidity. Trading portfolio consists of assets, liabilities, and derivative contracts that can be bought and sold quickly on organized financial markets. The category of asset or liabilities in a trading portfolio could be a long or short position in commodities, foreign exchange, equity securities, interest rate swaps, and options (Saunders & Cornett, pp 258). The investment portfolio has assets and liabilities that are moderately illiquid and held for longer holding periods. The variety of assets and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Postmodernism and Consumerism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Postmodernism and Consumerism - Essay Example The essay "Postmodernism and Consumerism" explores the definition of postmodernism and analyzes consumerism. Post-modernism defines our current state of existence and encompasses ideas, attitudes, lifestyle and intellect that mark the contemporary world. However, there is widespread debate as to the definition of post-modernism. Some view it from the lens of defining it as a mere condition or state of existence whereas others view it as a constant movement and development. Those who believe in the second school of thought often tend to link post-modernism with consumerism, globalization, the birth of transnational corporations and the boundary less transfer of ideas, technology, products and information across the world. Some theorists even go as far as stating that the era of postmodernism does not parallel our current era. For instance, some theorists suggest that the society in which we dwell today is â€Å"post traditionalist† and not postmodern. This view is further advan ced by some researchers who label today’s world as pseudo-modern and by claim that the postmodern era does not exist. Despite the widespread debate regarding the existence of postmodernism, the way in which identity creation is altering and giving birth to a post-modern mode of life of great interest to us. It is interesting to note that consumerism has been directly or indirectly associated with the identity creation phenomenon in postmodern times. This can be explained by the viewpoints of various theorists.

Battle of petersburg Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Battle of petersburg - Essay Example Outlined below is the description of the major events that took place in the battle. The Potomac Army approached Petersburg from the south and began its operations. General Smith’s troops were sent after they were successful in the Cold Harbor battle. Butler sent Gilmore with 10500 men to attack the Confederates at Petersburg. However, this attack was a failure, and they had to wait another five days to attack again. Smith attempted another attack against Petersburg with his army on June 14th. This time he succeeded in driving the confederates away from their strong lines that consisted of rifle pits. The success ascribed to Smith also included the capturing of the powerful salient, connecting lines, guns and 300 prisoners. As Smith and his men celebrated their success, other armies joined those in Petersburg in an attempt to protect the City (Chicks, 2015 pg.78). In the night of 15th and 16th, the works that the confederates put up to defend their City bore fruits as the Smith army lost its prize. On the same date, June 16th, Gen Butler accorded General Terry an army to destroy the rail lines by forcing General Beauregard’s out of the area they occupied. After succeeding in possessing the rail, he was driven out of the area by an army led by General James Longstreet, who was headed to Richmond from Petersburg. Terry was sent back to Bermuda by the large army the General controlled. On the 17th, the 7th and 9th corps attacked Petersburg again in the afternoon hours. This attack lasted even at night with the confederates fighting to recapture anything that they had lost. They succeeded in forcing the 9th corps out of the battle. After the loss of nearly 10000 men, Grant withheld attacking Petersburg by a storm to save him from such losses. On the other hand, he used the Hancock and Wright Corps towards the left of Petersburg to force the Confederates back to the right (Cloyd, 2014 pg.45). They then attacked and captured more confederates. More

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Market risk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Market risk - Essay Example Even with the Security exchange commission, Federal Reserve still does not grantee immunization from the insecurity that comes with risk. FI’s have faced difficulties over the years for a multitude of reasons; the major cause of serious FI problems remains directly related to lax credit standards. These problems range from borrowers, counter-parties, poor portfolio risk management, or a lack of attention to changes in economic or other circumstances. These lapses in awareness can lead to decline in the credit standing of an FI’s counterparties. This experience is common in both G-10 and non-G-10 countries (Basel 1999). When discussing market risk there are many trading activities that have caught the eyes of regulators by FI managers. For example, in September 1995, a leading Japanese bank, Daiwa Bank was forced into insolvency because of losses trading in Japanese stock futures that took place at a branch in New York City (Saunders & Cornett, pp 258). Market risk can b e define as the risk related to the uncertainty of an FI’s earning on its trading portfolio caused by changes in market conditions, such as price of an asset, interest rates, market volatility, and market liquidity (J.P. Morgan). Understanding what is at risk when trading and investing on the market is of great interest to FI managers. There are divergent types of portfolio’s, which can be distinguished on a basis of time, horizon and liquidity. Trading portfolio consists of assets, liabilities, and derivative contracts that can be bought and sold quickly on organized financial markets. The category of asset or liabilities in a trading portfolio could be a long or short position in commodities, foreign exchange, equity securities, interest rate swaps, and options (Saunders & Cornett, pp 258). The investment portfolio has assets and liabilities that are moderately illiquid and held for longer holding periods. The variety of assets and

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Battle of petersburg Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Battle of petersburg - Essay Example Outlined below is the description of the major events that took place in the battle. The Potomac Army approached Petersburg from the south and began its operations. General Smith’s troops were sent after they were successful in the Cold Harbor battle. Butler sent Gilmore with 10500 men to attack the Confederates at Petersburg. However, this attack was a failure, and they had to wait another five days to attack again. Smith attempted another attack against Petersburg with his army on June 14th. This time he succeeded in driving the confederates away from their strong lines that consisted of rifle pits. The success ascribed to Smith also included the capturing of the powerful salient, connecting lines, guns and 300 prisoners. As Smith and his men celebrated their success, other armies joined those in Petersburg in an attempt to protect the City (Chicks, 2015 pg.78). In the night of 15th and 16th, the works that the confederates put up to defend their City bore fruits as the Smith army lost its prize. On the same date, June 16th, Gen Butler accorded General Terry an army to destroy the rail lines by forcing General Beauregard’s out of the area they occupied. After succeeding in possessing the rail, he was driven out of the area by an army led by General James Longstreet, who was headed to Richmond from Petersburg. Terry was sent back to Bermuda by the large army the General controlled. On the 17th, the 7th and 9th corps attacked Petersburg again in the afternoon hours. This attack lasted even at night with the confederates fighting to recapture anything that they had lost. They succeeded in forcing the 9th corps out of the battle. After the loss of nearly 10000 men, Grant withheld attacking Petersburg by a storm to save him from such losses. On the other hand, he used the Hancock and Wright Corps towards the left of Petersburg to force the Confederates back to the right (Cloyd, 2014 pg.45). They then attacked and captured more confederates. More

How to Write a Case Study Essay Example for Free

How to Write a Case Study Essay Wetting Balance TestingSolderability Testing Analysis Components -PWB- Assemblywww. standsgroup. com Requisite OrganizationFree research and information from the RO International Institute. www. requisite. org Novi Team BuildingIdealna zabava za zaposlene. Novo u Srbiji Bumper Ballswww. vekoldmc. com Business School Ads †¢ Case Study Business †¢ Business Case Study †¢ Swot Analysis Strategic †¢ Personal Swot Analysis †¢ Swot Analysis When writing a case study analysis, you must first have a good understanding of the case study. Before you begin the steps below, read the case carefully, taking notes all the while. It may be necessary to read the case several times to fully grasp the issues facing the company or industry. Once you are comfortable with the information, begin the step-by-step instructions offered below to write a case study analysis. Time Required: Varies Heres How: 1. Investigate and Analyze the Company’s History and Growth. A company’s past can greatly affect the present and future state of the organization. To begin your case study analysis, investigate the company’s founding, critical incidents, structure, and growth. ( Erwin) 2. Identify Strengths and Weaknesses Within the Company. Using the information you gathered in step one, continue your case study analysis by examining and making a list of the value creation functions of the company. For example, the company may be weak in product development, but strong in marketing. ( Ria) 3. Gather Information on the External Environment. The third step in a case study analysis involves identifying opportunities and threats within the company’s external environment. Special items to note include competition within the industry, bargaining powers, and the threat of substitute products. ( Vince) 4. Analyze Your Findings. Using the information in steps two and three, you will need to create an evaluation for this portion of your case study analysis. Compare the strengths and weaknesses within the company to the external threats and opportunities. Determine if the company is in a strong competitive position and decide if it can continue at its current pace successfully. ( Rod) 5. Identify Corporate Level Strategy. To identify a company’s corporate level strategy for your case study analysis, you will need to identify and evaluate the company’s mission, goals, and corporate strategy. Analyze the company’s line of business and its subsidiaries and acquisitions. You will also want to debate the pros and cons of the company strategy. ( Joyce) 6. Identify Business Level Strategy. Thus far, your case study analysis has identified the company’s corporate level strategy. To perform a complete analysis, you will need to identify the company’s business level strategy. (Note: if it is a single business, the corporate strategy and the business level strategy will be the same. ) For this part of the case study analysis, you should identify and analyze each company’s competitive strategy,  marketing strategy, costs, and general focus. ( Kristy). 7. Analyze Implementations. This portion of the case study analysis requires that you identify and analyze the structure and control systems that the company is using to implement its business strategies. Evaluate organizational change, levels of hierarchy, employee rewards, conflicts, and other issues that are important to the company you are analyzing. (Result pros cons c/o Mark) (Computations c/o Ira) 8. Make Recommendations. The final part of your case study analysis should include your recommendations for the company. Every recommendation you make should be based on and supported by the context of your case study analysis. (All Tips: 1. Know the case backwards and forwards before you begin your case study analysis. 2. Give yourself enough time to write the case study analysis. You dont want to rush through it. 3. Be honest in your evaluations. Dont let personal issues and opinions cloud your judgement. 4. Be analytical, not descriptive. 5. Proofread your work! What You Need †¢ A case study †¢ Instructions from your professor †¢ Writing tools †¢ Quiet time.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Food Nutrition History

Food Nutrition History The history of food and nutrition dates back as far as the beginning of recorded history. In the era of hunters and gathers, people knew that they had to eat in order to survive. The teachings and techniques that were used to obtain food at that time came from trial and error. It was up to the people to figure out which foods were suitable and which could possibly cause illness or even death. The importance of food, specific dietary patterns and disease prevention were observed in the Indian Ayurvedic tradition, dating back to 2500 BCE (1). Looking beyond the medieval era, western science and medicine developed ways of thinking about food and health between 600 BCE and 300 CE (1). Societies throughout each era have looked at diet and nutrition as a means of healthy living and survival. Through the Renaissance and up to the eighteenth century, teaching noted that diet and nutrition were an integral part of having a fulfilled life (1). Many documents from ancient and historical times have evidence that inventions for food processing were becoming existent and new foods were being discovered. In this time, food was mostly produced and consumed entirely within the local area. A familys nourishment was provided by the food that was grown and prepared within the family and exchanged with nearby neighbors. Cooking and preservation techniques at this time were not necessarily safe but were evolving. During the industrial revolution, the introduction of railroads and wagon roads made the transfer of goods possible at greater distances. This shift began to affect the foods that people had access to and what they ate (2). The science of nutrition began to emerge in the early to mid nineteenth century. During this time, both Europe and the US were influenced by their governments to increase the yield of food from plant crops and animal herds (1). Food production held a very important role in nourishing the soldiers who were fighting in the war. Safe food was soon found to be the key for survival of troops, especially those who had been wounded and needed proper nourishment to fight illness and infection. Dietetics as a profession can be linked back to the evolution of home economics (3). The early evolution of food and nutrition science was explored to feed soldiers in battle and to also to provide necessary nutrition to those who were preparing to become young soldiers. Nutrition and appropriate food choices were demonstrated to young families to ensure healthy individuals. World War I brought food shortages. Those who were knowledgeable in dietetics encouraged others to plant gardens and learn how to develop recipes for home and hospital use. Both world wars observed the creation of dietetics as a profession (3). Many important people deserve credit in the history of Dietetics. Far more than five people contributed to its development. Dietetics is largely applied by the use of chemistry, it is necessary to recognize Antoine Lavoisier, who is known as the Father of Chemistry. Lavoisier was born into an upper class, Paris family in 1743. He was able to obtain a law degree at the College Mazarin, though he never practiced law. He had more interest in mathematics and science and gained membership into the Academy of Sciences at the age of 25 (4). Lavoisier had many contributions, to include the assistance in establishing the metric system, to naming 33 elements of periodic table. He died at the age of 51 from literally loosing his head, as he was found guilty of conspiracy against the people of France. Wilbur Olin Atwater, an American chemist, was born May 3, 1844 in Johnsburg, New York. Atwater is known for his studies in human nutrition and metabolism. He pursued an undergraduate degree at Wesleyan University in Connecticut and later went on to obtain his PhD from Yale Universitys Sheffield Scientific School in agricultural chemistry (5). Atwater invented a device called the respiration calorimeter that measured human metabolism balance by analyzing the heat produced and metabolic rate by a person performing certain activities. This new invention aided many new studies in dietary evolution and food analysis (1, 2, 5). Energy and protein sources were studied and measured to determine that certain foods provide different amounts of nutrients and energy than other. The fat, protein, and carbohydrates of all different kinds of foods were observed and soon there was an awareness of the food calorie. Atwater continued to lead research teams on discovering nutrient requirements, food composition and consumption, and consumer economics (6). Throughout his discoveries, Atwater determined that Americans eat more unhealthful foods than desired and do not exercise enough. Florence Nightingale, born 1820 in Tuscany into an upper class family, need be mentioned as a contributor to Dietetics as she was the one who acknowledged the need for safe and nutritious food for soldiers during the Crimean War (7). She was actually a pioneer nurse in her time and was determined to improve the living conditions at the camp hospitals and made and effort to clean and organize facilities where patients were cared for. Her contributions helped spread awareness of the necessity for clean, safe, and nutritious foods. There is a long history of health and nutrition and the involvement and contribution of many people and their discoveries has made great progress. Most of the progress has been made in the last 100 years, as new technologies have been a great asset to nutritional health and implementation. Scientific advances, social and economic factors, and military conflicts are contributors to the advancement of the dietetic profession as well. The most important contribution would have to be the determination and dedication by early dietitians who knew that there was a difference to be made and that they were the ones who would be able to make that difference. The understanding and importance of good eating habits was not common not known to most of society, or perhaps just not understood. Scientific experiments were documented and scholarly journals written, but they were for almost impossible to understand by anyone who was not in the dietetic profession. Alice Blood was the one who would be able to put all of the difficult works into something that could be understood by large public audience. She translated science-based nutrition information into easy-to-read pamphlets in an effort to educate people on good nutrition. Alice Blood obtained a bachelors degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a PHD in biochemistry from Yale. She also held the title of director at the School of Household Economics at Simmons College in Massachusetts (8). Many changes came about in 1917 for the dietetics profession and many women contributed to these changes. A new organization, the American Dietetic Association [ADA], was born in the fall of 1917 when more than 100 women organized a meeting in Cleveland to discuss multiple issues within dietetics. Lulu Graves, a dietician in Cleveland, held a strong position that dietitians play an important role of the medical team and that when nutrition services are offered to patients, money is saved (8). This is a time when dietitians had the primary role of feeding the wounded and sick in hospitals. The doctors were the ones who could prescribe special diets for treatments and dietitians were like the physicians assistants. At this point, doctors were primarily male and all dietitians were female. Only three states allowed women to vote and women were not allowed to travel unaccompanied by a man (8). Graves stressed the importance of scientific training for dietitians and knew that the future of dietetics would be assured. Lulu Graves was elected the first president of the ADA (9). At the first meeting, many issues were discussed especially concerning food conservation and global food needs. This was an important for the Association to come together, as World War I was still in mission. The annual meeting to follow had greater attendance and included more states involvement. By the sixth annual meeting, which was held in Indianapolis in 1923, insulin was presented as the new treatment for diabetes (9). Insulin was discovered and isolated at the University of Toronto in 1921-1922 by Dr. Frederick Banting (10). Insulin is a hormone that is produced in the pancreas and is necessary to keep glucose levels in the blood at a safe and functional level. This was a major event in dietetic history, as the diagnosis and treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes continues to be at high demand. Food technology was on the rise going into the 1930s. Refrigerators, toasters, canned goods, frozen vegetables, sliced bread and many other developments were introduced. These new preparation and storage methods provided more convenience for keeping food on hand. Obesity became a health concern, which was the topic of discussion towards the end of the 30s. Soon to follow would be the opening of the first McDonalds and Dairy Queen in the early 1940s (9). If what was known then about the negative health affects Americans would experience from frequenting fast food chains, one has to wonder if there would be any earlier changes in the way food is processed and produced for these places. Martha Lewis Nelson was a pioneer in exploring total education of dietitians (8). The original dietetic program was a four-year course at a University with a major in food and nutrition, with a six-month dietetic internship. In 1942, Lewis was the director of Medical Dietetics at Ohio State University and she redesigned the internship program, making it possible to earn a Master of Science degree along with the internship (8). Many institutions today use this curriculum to develop education programs for dietetics. In 1966, nutrition and diet therapy services were included in comprehensive medical care programs. Clare Forbes, a Massachusetts delegate to the ADAs House of Delegates, was the force behind this movement (8). Forbes is credited for developing future state legislative programs and guiding the development of the ADAs mission statement (8). Twenty-six years ago, in 1982, the ADAs capacity to reach the public on food nutrition, and health concerns was forever changed. A new resource center, National Canter for Nutrition and Dietetics, was funded through a capital fund program (9). National Nutrition Month is one of the outreach programs that are very active today. The purpose of National Nutrition Month is to help make people aware of necessity of a healthy lifestyle and diet. Many more factors go into health other than just what a person eats. Diet and exercise go hand in hand. If it were not for the good old girls Alice Blood, Lulu Graves, Martha Lewis Nelson, and Claire Forbes, the American Dietetic Association may not exist today. It is up to those in the profession to get the message out to the public about good health and nutrition so that money and lives can be saved in the long run. Over the past 20 years, many new diet fads have been introduced. Some of these diets have proven to be effective and safe while others are effective and unsafe. Most often the results are temporary, as the people get bored with the same food or routine and then end up failing. Reading nutrition labels and ingredient lists on foods has become more popular in the past couple of years, as people now have a better idea of what they are looking for. There are multiple commercials, newspaper articles, and health magazines that give health alerts to new findings in the food that people eat. With all of the sources in which nutrition facts and health information can be found, Americans are far more educated now than they ever have been before. The image is to get into shape and live healthier lifestyles. The advancements in medical technology have expanded the role of the dietetic professional on so many levels. Special diets, mechanically altered foods, and diagnosis of new disease conditions have forced nutritional professionals to test and experiment with new ways of feeding patients and ensuring that they are receiving appropriate nutrition. References Cannon G. The rise and fall of dietetics and of nutrition science, 4000 BCE-2000 CE. Public Health Nutrition. 2005;8(6A):701-705. Roth D. Americas fascination with nutrition. Available at: http://www.ers. Accessed February 25, 2008. History of Home Economics at Ryerson. Ryerson University Web site Available at: Accessed February 4, 2008. Antoine Lavoisier. Available at: Gas_Chemistry/Lavoisier.html. Accessed February 25, 2008. Wilbur Olin Atwater. Wikipedia online. Available at: http://en.wikipedia. Org/wiki/Wilbur_Olin_Atwater. Accessed February 25, 2008. Welsh S. Atwater to the Present: Evolution of Nutrition Education. Journal of Nutrition [serial online]. September 1994;124:1799S-1807S. Available from: Academic Search Premier, Ipwich, MA. Accessed February 25, 2008. Florence Nightingale. Wikipedia online. Available at: Wiki/Florence_Nightingale. Accessed February 24, 2008. Fitz P. Presidents page about 80 years ago. J Am Diet Assoc. 2003;98(3):264. Petrillo T. Live the ADA legacy-annually. J Am Diet Assoc. 2002;102(8):1046 -1050. 10. The Discovery of Insulin-The history of diabetes treatment. Web site. Accessed February 22, 2008.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

James Baldwin Essay -- essays papers

James Baldwin Another Country and Go Tell it on the Mountain are two of James Baldwin's most analyzed novels. Some see both novels as great additions to American literature, while others criticize Baldwin's unique writing style used in both works. Another Country has been called a true American classic, and also a literary failure. At any rate, it is an extremely controversial novel filled with controversial characters. The majority of the novel is filled with either talk or fornication, and at least halfway through the novel the talk takes over and begins to control it. Baldwin's Another Country is divided into categories. These categories, including black/white, hetero/homosexual, and male/female are constantly brought up throughout the novel. The novel is divided into three sections and covers four narratives. Each narrative focuses on two characters, and the eight main characters interact throughout the novel. All of the pairs focus on the categories that were mentioned before. Rufus Scott and Leona make up the first pair of characters. Rufus is a black jazz ...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Bernard Shaw :: essays research papers

George Bernard Shaw is known by many as the most significant English playwright since the seventeenth century. He wrote fifty-seven plays in his lifetime, and a vast majority of them were revolutionary in their themes. On July 26, 1856, George Bernard Shaw was born in Dublin, Ireland. Shaw was the first son of his parents, George and Lucille, but had two sisters upon his arrival. Although they lived in Ireland, the Shaws were Protestants and George Bernard was baptized in the Church of England; however, he was never very religious and never enjoyed attending church. He also did not care much for his formal education, even though he attended many different schools. He started his schooling at the Wesleyan Connexional School and ended his fifteenth year at the Dublin English Scientific and Commercial Day School. Overall, Shaw’s childhood was an unhappy one. By the age of fifteen, his parents had split up. His mom deserted her husband and left for England to live with her two daughters. In order to support himself, Shaw left school and got a job working as a clerk and cashier for a firm of land agents for nearly found and a half years. During this time, George Bernard took it upon himself to read and visit the theatre as much as possible. At the age of nineteen, Shaw’s sister Agnes died from food poisoning. Saddened by her death, Shaw left London to live with his mother and sister Lucy in hope of becoming a musician or painter. Being the shy young man that he was, he could not find a place in the arts community there. At the age of twenty-four, Shaw decided to establish himself as a writer. When newspapers and magazines repeatedly rejected his articles, he then decided to become a novelist. Although all publishers rejected his first novel, Shaw continued to write and produced four more novels between 1880 and 1883; he found no publisher for any of them. Finally, in 1886, Shaw’s first novel, Cashel Byron’s Profession was published. This novel was very popular, but after publishing his second novel, An Unsocial Socialist, his novel writing career came to an end.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Shaw finally found his specialty around 1885 when William Archer suggested that he became a playwright. The play he is most well known for is Pygmalion. It is a classic play that comes from an ancient myth in which a statue is made of an ideal woman, and by prayer to the gods she is brought to life.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Comparison Essay

Schools of Thought Comparison By: Amanda Szyszkowski There are three main types of schools of thought that are noted in the field of philosophy. The three schools are continental, pragmatic, and analytic philosophies. We are going to take a look at all three of theses and compare them, and see which one most appeals to me and why. The first school is continental philosophy. Continental philosophy is a general term that is associated with the philosophical views that originated on the continental England in the 20th century (dictionary. om staff, 2012). It contains many theories such as critical theory, deconstruction, existentialism, hermeneutics, phenomenology, and structuralism (dictionary. com staff, 2012). The two schools of thought linked to continental that are the most important are existentailism and phenomenology (Moore & Bruder, 2011). The most influencial philosophers related to continental philosophy are Martin Heidegger and Jean-Paul Sartre (Moore & Bruder, 2011).Some th emes of existentailism are traditional and academic philosophies are sterile from the concerns of real life, the world is irrational, and the world is absurd in the sense that there are not explanations that can be given for the way that it is. The above are not all the themes for this school of thought but there are the most compelling (Moore & Bruder, 2011). The second type philosophy is known is pragmatic. Pragmatic philosophy is a type of philosophy that rejects the idea that there is a such a thing as absolute truth (Moore & Bruder, 2011).Instead in this philosophy they think the truth is realtive to time, place, purpose, and is ever changing in the light of new data (Moore & Bruder, 2011). Pragmatism roots primarily are located in the United States. It is also know as American pragmatism. The main school of thought for pragmatism is that there is no absolute or fixed truth. The founding fathers of this type of philosophy are C. S. Pierce and William James. James however would not take the credit for the invention of pragmatism that starting in philosophy clubs that the two men set up. He gives all the credit to Pierce.The final type of philosophy that I am going to cover is analytic philosophy. Analytic philosophy is the learning through experience. The mind of a person catorgorizes experiences. The main school of though for analytic philosophy is that the only thing that we know for certain is that we learn through experience (Moore & Bruder, 2011). Analytic philosophy has ties to both England and America, but it is mostly is used in America. The main philosopher for this type of philosophy is Russell. Russell and his wife set up many schools in England and America that proposed a new way of learning philosophy (Moore & Bruder, 2011).All three types of philosophy have strong and valid points and strong ideals. Which one do you think is the strongest one? References 1. Dictionary. com Staff. (2012) â€Å"Continental Philosophy† retrieved from http ://dictionary. reference. com/browse/continental-philosophy on September 2, 2012. 2. Moore, B. N. , & Bruder, K. (2011)  Philosophy: The Power Of Ideas. (8th  ed. ). New York, NY: McGraw Hill. 3. Farlex. (2012) â€Å"Pragmaticism† retrieved from http://www. thefreedictionary. com/pragmatism on September 2, 2012. 4.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Privatization Study Essay

Privatisation can be defined as ‘the partial or total transfer of property of responsibility from the public sector (government) to the private sector (business) or private persons. Privatization can include the transfer of responsibilities and not solely change of ownership. Privatisation consists of simply ‘the transfer of all or any of three kinds of property rights from the state to the private sector; ownership rights, operating rights and development rights since these constitute the most common type of privatisation. In general privatisation has been undertaken as one of the reform measures to reduce government role in the economy and broaden the role of the private sector. Privatization can also be said to be a process of asset divesture. It is seldom asked, what does privatization seeks to accomplish in the Caribbean? It must be understood that privatization is seen as an instrument working towards supply side improvement by the promotion and allocation of more e fficient resources and short term stabilization through expenditure reduction. Privatization initiatives are now a current occurrence in most Caribbean countries such as Belize, Jamaica, and Trinidad & Guyana to name a few. It has shown that most privatization activities took place in Latin America & the Caribbean; between the period 1988 and 1993 this region accounted for more than half the total privatizations in the Third World. Most privatization initiatives take place in the utility companies of the Caribbean. In case of Belize (electricity, water, port authority and the sugar cane factory). Government in many of these Lesser Developed Countries embraces privatization as an attachment to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. These institutions stress and maintain that privatization is the main driving force towards economic liberalization and self-sustained growth. The objectives of Privatisation can happen either directly or indirectly. The main objective of privatization is placing emphasis on improving the efficiency of government owned/ semi-owned establishments, whether retained or divested. Some objectives are to Improve the operational efficiency of enterprises that are currently owned or semi owned by government, and their contribution to the national economy in terms of reliability of delivery,  quality and price; introduce competition in areas under monopoly; Reduce the burden of semi/owned government enterprises on the Government budget (direct) an example is stated in the re- privatization of Air Jamaica by the Government. (The Government of Jamaica initiated re-privatization process due to the airline’s increasing financial losses and the restructuring needed to face the challenges of new market conditions. The privatization of the airline was a top priority and engaged the International Finance Corporation as its Lead Adv isor)(The KED Group Research); raise revenue opposing to increase taxes on citizens (direct);Expand the private sector’s role in the economy, permitting the Government to concentrate more on its public resources and roles; Encourage wider public population in the ownership and management of business; encourage industrial growth; attract foreign investments Some other objectives can be classifies as secondary objectives such as creating a more market-oriented economy; to gain access to the foreign markets and technology while promoting the development of the capital market; and preserving self-reliance. There are said to be three major areas which privatization is expected to impact. Firstly there’s Efficiency, secondly there’s reduction of financial burden of the government and thirdly the ability to enhance private sector growth and activity to promote economic democracy through the participation of national assets ownership. In the Caribbean, privatization is expected to have a positive impact on productive efficiency. This is a result of the in-efficiencies that have plagued the public enterprises. It is said that as a result of non-competitiveness these enterprises misuse production inputs, they enjoy privileges of subsidiary capital and some social welfare. Shareholders do not scrutinize management performance so there is no incentives to maximize profit and minimize cost. Some problems that leads to privatization of government enterprises being in-efficient are over- staffing, management incompetence and low employee productivity. These are made into undesirable situation due to the intervening of government’s non-economic ends such as non-competitive pricing and employment maximization. When privatized efficiency is expected to yield better management operations. In order to meet the other area of maximizing revenue and reducing the financial burden on government enterprises; Privatization is considered one of the most directive and effective ways whereas government sells public enterprises. Not all asset sales is indeed a reduction in budget deficit, it is a short term measure of correction. It was in the early 1980’s in the Caribbean that revealed most countries found it difficult to provide counterpart funding for projects. Due to governments commitment to provide funding for these projects resulted in the economy to fluctuate and cause a burden on government resources. The growth of the expenditure exceeded the growth of revenue resulting in some countries to privatize. Privatization stimulates private sector growth. It seems to be beneficial as the private sector is constantly evolving. Privatization also sparks development of entrepreneurship by promoting economic democracy by participation of ownership of national assets. This can be seen in Belize with the telecommunication provider BTL. This company was bought and shares were sold to the public, giving them some ownership in the company. In the Caribbean, public enterprises were established because the pr ivate sector fell short to supply and demand because they weren’t willing to take the risk of high investment. Privatization of these public assets took place to attract foreign investment, government had to remove the restrictions of market access and the protection of state owned enterprises so that private investors would have been encourage to invest and avoid monopoly. This increased the foreign investment in the Caribbean. In Belize a similar situation of taking a risk and some monopoly to an extent can be seen in the privatization of the water company. CASCAL the foreign investor had problems when government had already invested in the utility company but was said to have not express the overvaluing of the company which yielded a more long term debt. Nevertheless CASCAL invested over $70 million USD into the company. Privatization of an enterprise or government own entity can be done in many ways. Some organizations use not only one method both sometimes several means for privatization. These methods of privatization are adopted based on the objectives of the enterprise such as financial position or the structure of the market. Some forms or methods of privatization can be stated as Sale of Equity, Sale of Assets, Concession/ Lease Agreement, Management Contracts, Franchising. In Belize the most common form is Sales of Equity and Sale of Assets. Sale of Equity refers to the transfer of equity usually done by the selling of shares. The government usually decides on what percentage to keep and what to sell. Once government decides on the  issue, the form of public offering or private placement of these shares can take place. Usually in large financially sound enterprises the public offering method is more attractive to government. The Belize Telecommunication privation is a great example of how g overnment took the public offering method and offered the Belizean public to buy shares into the company. Belize Telecommunication Ltd was the first privatization in Belize 1989 when British Telecom bought 25% of the shares. In 2001 Carlisle Holdings committed and increase BTL shareholdings to 52% with a $50 million investment. In 2004 Carlisle Holdings sold its shares back to the Government, which then resulted in the government to sell its shares plus the shares acquired from Carlisle to Innovative Communication Cooperation. Innovative communication Cooperation couldn’t pay for its share in 2005 which caused the government to take back 52% majority shares and sold it to private entities. In 2007 all rights and assets were transferred to Belize Telemedia Limited and the Government became the owner of majority of shares, the remaining shares were offered to the public which builds up 908 small shareholders. This is one company that basically use the sale of equity method. When using method of sales of assets, the basic concept is the direct sale of a public enterprise’s assets to a private investor or a group of investors. This would occur in a very competitive manner where government would try to receive the best price through an auction or tender process. Belize’s only sugar cane processing facility Belize Sugar Industries Limited was under negotiations for privatization due to BSI running into financial problems following allegations of mismanagement and bad investments in an allied electrical generation project BELCOGEN Ltd. The government first attempted to promote the sale of BSI to Honduras’ Banco Atlà ¡ntida but this failed. A purchase offer was made by the Belize cane farmers, who is the major suppliers of the factory’s sugar cane, was not entertained with much interest by the government. The sale was offered to the U.S. Company American Sugar Refin ery. This privatization was solely the sale of asset; no shares were offered to public and the factory is solely managed by a foreign company but still retains the employees being Belizeans. American Sugar Refinery, assuming the entire debt of BSI, will become the beneficiary of additional shares issued by BSI so that at the end of the day there will be something like 78 to 22 per cent ownership. ASR will in fact hold the  majority shares and the other 22% representing the actual workers of BSI. This act of privatization in Belize was a direct result, as BSI was in debt of 30 million and couldn’t repay. The government was forced to privatize at the same time act in best interest for the 90% of cane farmers that is the driving force for the sugar industry in Belize. There are other methods such as contracting/ franchising. This mostly happens when the government cannot take on the responsibility in services such as road construction and maintenance, machinery repair garbage collection (Belize Waste Control) and health services (such as Belize Dry Cleaners contract to heat wash all hospitals bedding etc.) this relinquishes all duties and services from the public sector to the private sector. This was also evident in The Jamaican privatisation programme which began in the early 1980s with the divestment of public services; which were burdening on fiscal resources of the government. These services were garbage collection services, parks and markets, and public cleansing. There is also the management contract method which solely involves hiring private sector to manage government enterpr ises for a special fee. This method entails the management responsibility only and does not involve the transfer of personnel. The final method is concessions and lease agreement; this method is used when government does not want to transfer complete ownership of an entity. Privatization of enterprises would be mostly natural resources or infrastructural. While government retains ownership, the private operator is responsible for desired improvement and management. Private investors may have an option to purchase the company after the agreements end. Privatization in the Caribbean countries was said to be influenced by the deteriorating financial state of the countries except for Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago which privatized their enterprises to undergo a structural adjustment program with the International lending Institutions. As in example with Grenada and Dominica which privatized for their own structural reform to reverse the deteriorating financial state. In Grenada their reform was organized by the Caribbean Development bank and aim was to privatised state owned enterprises to reduce the arrears of debts and contributions and focus on fiscal reform. In Dominica privatization was through the public sector enterprise reform that was based on the privatization of the Dominica electricity Services. In Jamaica privatization came into act in the 1980’s when the government at  that time, wanted to reduce their role in the economy. On board with privatization efforts were the International Monetary Fund and The World bank which disbursed several loans to the government of Jamaica divestment agenda. Some divestments included cleaning public facilities, operations of public markets which was done through the lease agreement and management contract method which gave private entities control. Privatizati on took flight in 1985 when shares offering was done by the National Commercial Bank acquiring 51 percent of the government’s equity. Privatization in a whole is said to have both positive and negative impacts depending on the way it is carried out and for the purpose the governments seems deemed. Advantages or potential benefits of Privatisation are that it improves efficiency. Private companies have a profit incentive to cut costs and be more efficient. When working for an industry that is managed or run by government, managers do not usually share profits. However, a private firm is interested in making profit and so it is more likely to cut costs and be efficient. A simple example of this is the British Airways have shown degrees of improved efficiency and higher profitability. Privatization also allows for the lack of political interference. It is said that most governments are motivated by political pressures rather than sound economic and business sense. They may employ too many workers which is inefficient and might be government may be reluctant to get rid of the workers because of the negative publicity involved in job losses. Therefore, state owned enterprises often employ too many workers increasing inefficiency. There may be instances when it’s beneficial for government when there just thinking in terms of until the next election. This is called the short term view. Government may be unwilling to invest in infrastr ucture improvements which will benefit the firm in the long term because they are more concerned about projects that give a benefit before the election. Shareholders apply pressure to private entities if they are inefficient. These companies could be threatened by a takeover. Another beneficial aspect is increased competition; privatisation of state owned monopolies allow more firms to enter the industry and increase the competitiveness of the market. One of the major competitions in the Caribbean would be telecommunication. In Belize, the Belize Telecommunication Limited was under monopoly which gave rise to a new competitor namely Speednet (SMART). However, privatisation doesn’t  necessarily increase competition, it depends on the nature of the market. The last advantage is that government will raise revenue from the sale. This could be seen in the water and sewerage authority in Trinidad & Tobago, the flour mills, the steel company and assets of PETROTRIN which raised over $542.4 million USD for the Trinidadian Government in 1999. Also in Trinidad the British West Indian Airline under privatization had a profit of 2.04 million USD as compared to the previous loss of 25.6 million USD. In Jamaica about 50% of public enterprises has gained overall benefits of privatization. According to the National Investment Bank of Jamaica from since the privatization process from 1981, the government proceeds have been over $300 million USD. Privatization also increased the employment in the agricultural field, hotels which have increased by 85% due to aggressive market strategies and telecommunications as a result job losses were le ssened. Also public cleaning and garbage collection has improved. (Stone 1992). This also shown that by 150% employment was increased. In Guyana, the privatization of the Telephone & Telegraph Company Ltd. Has increased the number of subscribers from 21,000 to 53,600 and have improved services and quality. (Tyndall 1995) Privatization may also have its disadvantages which can mostly occur when there is a monopoly in an industrial firm. It is better to have a public monopoly rather than a private monopoly which can exploit the consumer. Some disadvantages are when privatization happens for public interest. Many industries which perform an important public service such as health care, education and public transport is not profit driven. In these industries, the profit motive shouldn’t be the primary objective of firms and the industry. In the case of health care, it is feared privatising health care would mean a greater priority is given to profit rather than patient care. The Problem of regulating private monopolies, such as the water companies and rail companies (as in Jamaica) is another disadvantage of privatization. Regulation is needed to prevent abuse of monopoly power. Therefore, the government still need to have regulatory power or state ownership. As in the advantage of short term view when government is looking only towards the next election and trying to minimize public investment; the private entity can swing this around and do the same. This would be called short termism of firms which would be also a disadvantage. Private owned entities would or may seek to increas e short term profits to shareholders  and avoid long term investment. In privatization of a company it’s not always in the best favour of the public citizens. In some case privatization of a utility company have caused price increase in the service they provide. It is always hard for government to reacquire these companies after privatization. A typical example in Belize of a privatization went wrong was under the PUP government. They privatized the Port of Belize to a so call crony of the party. This was clearly not in best interest of the people or country. Under government ownership the port was serving Belize as well as Southern Mexico. Today not even Belizeans are fund of using the port due to the lower prices and services offered by neighbouring ports as Honduras and Guatemala. Privatization was been around in the Caribbean from the early 1980’s and has gain over ten years solid experience and now evolving as the learning process continues. What is clear is that government has been more interested in the economy rather than letting the private sector take over. Is has shown that through studies in Jamaica and proper consultation, privatization has caused a very beneficial change in the country. A consensus must be must be initiated with the society at large for any privatization program to be successful or beneficial. Privatization has its pros and cons and any government in the Caribbean should consider if privatization is the best option, not just for political gain; but for the benefit of its people. Although sometimes some countries are driven or force into privatization to help the rescue them from the ir financial burdens, there must be a privatization structure and team in place so as to have the government not selling out and causing its people to suffer. With the proper assessment and consulting privatization can be a way forward for developing Caribbean countries. REFERENCES†¦/preferences.pdf

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

China's population policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

China's population policy - Essay Example 2. China would face numerous environmental downfalls if they did not enact the population growth policy. The more space that people take up, the less room there is available for farmland and forests, which are vital to the food production of society. Plants and animals become extinct as their homes are torn up to make room for more people. The waste and pollution that come from people would increase, which would affect the habitats of plants and animals. Urban areas would continue to expand, depleting natural resources that humans depend on, such as drinkable water and fossil fuel (Putten, 2010). 3. The greatest benefit that could come of China’s population growth policy is that there would simply be more of everything. There would be more space for people. There would be less need to cut down forests, so there would be more wildlife. Fewer plants and animals would risk becoming extinct. There would be more resources available to everyone; when there are more resources, not only do people not have to worry about surviving, but there would be a greater amount of resources to go around. Also, epidemics would be fewer, there would be less overwhelmed social services, such as health care and education, and fewer people living in poverty. China could become an even more dependent country if they lost the risk of losing their resources to overpopulation. However, a major downfall of China’s policy is that it could lead to an aging population because not enough children are being born (Greenhalgh, 2008). As such, despite the condition they currently are in, China has the potential of facing underpopulation. In the case of underpopulation, they would have too many resources, yet not enough people to pay to for them. 4. China’s policy could scientifically impact the population due to some of the medical procedures undergone to make sure that women do not exceed giving birth to