Monday, December 30, 2019

Save More Tomorrow Schemes Adopted in the US and the UK Free Essay Example, 1750 words

The paper tells that the Save More Tomorrow plan also is known as the SMarT plan allows low-saving employees to literally save more. The plan uses the theoretical framework of choice architecture describing their low-saving behavior as a mistake and subsequently creating an environment that fosters better decision making and choices that improve their saving rates. The approach of decision making based on choice architecture encourages employees to save more and thus increase their retirement funds by directing their choices through the SMarT plan. The plan follows libertarian paternalism in that the employees can opt out from the plan at any time thereby allowing them the freedom to choose for themselves. The Save More Tomorrow plan allows employees to commit a specific amount of their salary increases now and the amount will be added towards their retirement savings. The plan has been implemented at many workplaces and about 60 percent of the American companies offering defined- contribution plans now use the Save More Tomorrow model. Since the adoption of the SMarT plan by employers, the results have shown the promising scope of the plan. We will write a custom essay sample on Save More Tomorrow Schemes Adopted in the US and the UK or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now In the various companies, it has been adopted, the saving rates have shot up markedly. The Save More Tomorrow plan greatly derives from behavioral economics. A common principle of economics is that people are rational beings. That said they are able to do a cost-benefit analysis and respond to incentives that maximize their self-interest. Hence, people are driven by their self-interest and tend to respond to marginal changes when given incentives. The Save More Tomorrow uses behavioral economics to direct people to make choices that work in their interest and maximize their benefit. This is the essence of the choice architecture which works to optimize the benefit by directing an individual to make better choices. For the employees, it is in their interest to save for the future and the Save More Tomorrow allows this by providing an incentive to save.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Relationship Between The Student s Success And Learning...

In my research I chose four students in my math class at the Levine campus at CPCC. I decided to study the relationship between the student’s success and learning style. In a recent video I seeing, it states that there are different way student’s learn. Three learning styles are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. The students I chose to study are four students and each are from different background, but same gender. Based on grades and class participation I decided to evaluate them and see how these strategies take effect on each one. All female students were sitting in different locations of the classroom. Each student walks in class and sits with their friends to socialize. Most of them sit and discussed previous class lectures or asked other peers for help. The one’s I chose to evaluate would come in class just a few minutes before class began. I studied their routine and the way that they paid attention to the lecture and how many are successful in class. The first student, S1, walks in class before the other three students. She sits in front of the class to the side, takes out her laptop, snack, notebook, calculator, and pencil pouch. During lecture she would be working on other class assignments and writing on her notebook. I noticed that when she heard the instructor go over a particular topic she would take out her second notebook and take notes. Towards the middle of the class, she would close her laptop and eat her snack and just listen to the lecture. The secondShow MoreRelatedPreparing an Annotated Bibliography Essay902 Words   |  4 PagesPreparing an Annotated Bibliography Lai, I. K. W., amp; Lam, F. K. S. (2010). Perception of various performance criteria by stakeholders in the construction sector Hong Kong. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Nutrition of Young Athletes Free Essays

Nutrition for Young Athletes Heather Rushing Houston Community College November 11, 2011 Abstract Research surrounding the nutrition of young athletes suggests that they are at risk for becoming deficient in most of their vital nutrients. Most parents agree there is concern for this issue, but they fear they do not have enough information on how to fix the problem. This literature review includes several professionals and experienced groups’ opinions and highlights the ways to tackle the issue of nutritional deficiencies and the many pressures young athletes face. We will write a custom essay sample on Nutrition of Young Athletes or any similar topic only for you Order Now Nutrition for Young Athletes Young athletes face a multitude of challenges especially those that surround their diet. The social, emotional, and physical aspects of their growing bodies can present unique dilemmas that parents of young athletes may not know how to approach. When training them on the proper techniques to be an all-star player it should always include a well-balanced diet along with positive affirmations. For those who are looking for solutions to a proper diet for young athletes, busy lifestyles, pre and post activity meals and emotional pressures dietitians and doctors are finding the right information. It may be demanding for parents when one or more of their children are athletes. This can challenge their abilities to multi-task and unhealthy food choices may result from a hectic family sporting lifestyle. Carmen, a mom and article writer from gatorade. com, gives the busy parent helpful tips on how to choose better options from fast-food menus. Treating the family does not have to consist of greasy burgers and fries every time one visits McDonald’s, but choosing one of their snack wraps loaded with grilled chicken and the salad with no dressing will only amount to 300 calories (Carmen, 2011). Even Starbuck’s now offers on-the-go choices that include fresh fruit plates with cheese and protein packed plates that include hard boiled eggs and peanut butter. It is important to remember that proteins are just one of the many nutrients needed to complete a well-balanced diet for budding athletes. The University of Waikato in New Zealand offers plenty of information for a parent in search of what particular nutrients are needed and in what amounts. The nutrients that should compose young athlete’s diet are under two categories, Micro and Macro. Under the micronutrient category are calcium, iron, B-complex vitamins, and zinc. These vitamins and minerals are only needed in small amounts but are essential to the growth and development of children including their immune functions (The University of Waikato, 2011). Macronutrients, which are needed in large amounts, include the energy supplier’s carbohydrates, proteins, and fats (The University of Waikato, 2011). Current research suggests that more young athletes are showing deficiencies in all of these nutrients (Nisevich, 2008). To gain the proper amounts of vitamins and nutrients one should look first to food sources. Although there are vitamin supplements for young children, supplements are not the ideal source for these nutrients. Calcium rich foods such as milk, broccoli and other green vegetables support the growth of bones and increase their mass; they also help in the contraction of muscles and the impulses of nerves (Nisevich, 2008). Iron, which can be found in meat and beans, is â€Å"a major player in the role of energy metabolism of carbohydrates, protein, and fats† (Nisevich, 2008, para. ). Zinc and B-complex vitamins which include folic acid, niacin, riboflavin, B6, B12 and thiamin are used primarily to help the blood. Zinc supports tissue growth and wound healing while B-complex vitamins help to keep muscles from getting sore and maintain cognitive brain function (Nisevich, 2008). If a diet is well-balanced in meats, fish, beans, and diary those vitamins and minerals should be in adequat e levels within the body. Consciously selecting what goes in the bodies is the key to living and performing at one’s best. When young athletes are exposed to strenuous workouts pre and post activity meals as well as proper hydration are all crucial for their bodies. Activities lasting for at least one and half to two hours should be considered strenuous, especially sports such as rowing, cross-country running, and competitive swimming (Gavin, 2011). On a big day of activities meals should be given three hours prior to the event that deliver ample amounts of carbohydrates and low fats (Gavin, 2011). These types of food are converted into energy and the body will utilize them throughout the activity. Adding good carbohydrates such as whole grain cereals with low fat milk, peanut butter on whole wheat toast with half an apple, or lean meat on a pita with orange juice are ways to pack energy boosting foods into snacks (Baylor College of Medicine, 2004). Planning a healthy snack can benefit young athletes especially during performances. Before, during, and after an event are times when it is crucial to hydrate. It is needed on many levels for the body to function properly. Water supplies energy, strength as well as coordination and parents, coaches and young athletes should know that â€Å"even mild dehydration can affect performance† (Gavin, 2011, pg. 2). According to Collins (2007), a noted dietitian, drinking 5-9 ounces of water every 15-20 minutes depending on age and size is recommended. Collins (2007) also mentions that parents can weigh children before and after an event to determine how much fluid has been lost, drinking one cup per half pound they have lost will replenish their bodies. According to a known medical educator, Mary Gavin (2011), â€Å"after exercising for sixty to ninety minutes, the body has used up its readily available sources of energy; so sports drinks may be a good choice for kids who participate in strenuous activity for more than an hour† (p. 2). The nutrients in sports drinks such as sodium and potassium are exactly what athlete’s need when they are active for long periods to replace what was lost through sweat, but water should still be their main source of hydration (Gavin, 2011). Sports have long been associated with proving how tough you are through stamina and strength. In my opinion, these attributes can be helpful as well as harmful to an impressionable child athlete. Teammates that seem â€Å"stronger and better† can create a poor self-image within a young athlete who doesn’t feel he or she fits the physical criteria that coaches are looking for. Devastating effects can result from forcing the body to achieve optimal appearance. Athletes may increase weight and mass by overeating to try and reach desired outcomes while unknowingly putting their selves at risk. â€Å"When a person overeats, the food the body can’t immediately use gets stored as fat† (Gavin, 2011, p. ). Other types of athletes may try crash diets to lose weight for sports like wrestling, gymnastics, swimming and dance. This behavior leads to â€Å"less strength and endurance and poor mental concentration† (Gavin, 2011, p. 2). It is easy to buckle under the pressures of sports, but an emphasis on positive self talk and giving pats on the back for a job well done go a long way in a child. Reminding a child that it is just a game and everyone gets hurt and feels pain can bring feelings of lowered self-confidence into perspective. When the media splashes drug use and misconduct of famous athletes who children idolize in the news can create challenges for the child and the parent. It may help to explain the hard realities of the pressures to performance to a child by instilling simple values that shape their existence. In my opinion, simple values will give them a firm footing in life and a level head when they are faced with challenging life decisions. The list of questions concerning nutritious foods and sports pressures are endless. The known facts about micro- and macro-nutrients help tremendously when it comes to preparing snacks for young athletes and their sporting events. Fast-food choices can now be made without ruining the waistline from meals that contain excess calories and fat, therefore giving relief to busy parents of young athletes. Overeating and under eating are becoming a higher priority among doctors, dietitians and parents. As the pressure to perform is increasing, the need to educate young athletes and their parents on proper nutrition is paramount. The parent’s ability to obtain accurate information about nutrition from trusted bloggers, doctors, and dietitians can make the process of raising healthy young athletes much easier. References Baylor College of Medicine (2004, November 4). Proper nutrition should be part of training young athletes. Retrieved from Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, USDA/ARS Children’s Nutrition Research Center website: http://www. bcm. edu/cnrc/consumer/archives/athletes. htm Carmen 5, CafeMom user (2011, October 11). Articles Advice [Supplemental material]. Healthier Fast Food Options. Retrieved from http://www. gatorade. com Collins, K. (2007, May 25). Nutrition Notes [Supplemental material]. Fuel your young athlete for peak performance. Timing, size and type of meals matter—so do fluids. Retrieved from http://www. msnbc. msn. com Gavin, M. L. (2011, November). Feeding Your Child Athlete. Retrieved from The Nemours Foundation, Kids Health website: http://www. kidshealth. org/parent/nutrition_center/dietary_needs/feed_child_athlete. html# Nisevich, P. M. (2008, March). Sports Nutrition for Young Athletes: Vital to Victory. Today’s Dietitian, 10, no. 3, 44. Retrieved from How to cite Nutrition of Young Athletes, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Othello3 Essay Example For Students

Othello3 Essay Othello: The Tragedy of Human NatureIn the tragedy Othello, Shakespeare creates a mood that challenges the way a person sees his or her self and the world. Subjects like racism, sexism, love, hate, jealously, pride, and trickery are thoroughly developed in the play of Othello to enable the audience to view the characters and also themselves. The Shakespearean tragedy of Othello was written in a time of great racial tensions in England. According to Eldred Jones, in 1600 just three years before Othello was written, Queen Elizabeth proclaimed an Edict for the Transportation of all negars and blackmoores out of the country (Othello- An Interpretation Critical Essays 39). It is in this atmosphere that Shakespeare began the masterpiece of Othello, a drama about a noble black Arab general, Othello, who falls in love with and marries, Desdemona, a young white daughter of a senator. From the above knowledge one may conclude that Shakespeare wrote Othello to express that all people, of all et hnicity, are basically the same in human nature. Shakespeare borrowed the idea of Othello from an Italian love story by Giraldi Cinthio. However, Shakespeare focuses more on the differences in color and age between Othello and Desdemona than Cinthio. Shakespeare does this to escalate Othellos isolation from the rest of Venetian society and to display Othellos vulnerability due to his color. In the tragedy not only is Othello susceptible to weaknesses but so is every major character . The tragedy reminds humans that even ones good nature can be taken advantage of for the worse. The drama Othello expresses, through relationships and emotional attitudes, a theme that all humans are vulnerable to destruction even if they are in positions of power and glory. All the relationships in the play are used to demonstrate the vulnerability of people when involved personally with other people. Each of the relationships in Othello portrays insecurities in each person, except Iago. In fact, all of the relationships with one character, Iago, are focused around him and his devilish plot for the demise of Othello. However, most of the relationships in Othello bring about unintentional frustrations and vulnerabilities. The marriages in Othello are the most important relationships in conferring vulnerability because they bring out the best hopes and attitudes, and the worst fears and emotions in each character. Shakespeare, in designing Othellos marriage to Desdemona, shows that although one can truly love a person, the need for human control can destroy any relationship causing heartbreak and turmoil. From the very beginning, Othello faces a dilemma of vulnerability because of his marriage. In his essay, Eldred Jones has concurred with this by stating that Othello made himself available to public criticism and assaults on his character by marrying a young white girl (Othello- An Interpretation Critical essays l42). Furthermore, the couples constant struggle over power and control makes them susceptible to destruction of their happiness. Othello seeks complete control over his wife, Desdemona. Othello claims this in act 3.3 line 267-270. That we can call these creatures ours,And not their appetites! I had rather be a toad And live upon the vapor of a dungeon. Then keep a corner in the thing I love Othello is clearly showing that he sees Desdemonas love, faithfulness and submissions as criteria for his manhood. His feelings demonstrate how vulnerable people can become in putting their self-value in another person. Desdemona also plays the power game. She swears to CassioI give thee my warrant, assure thee, I do vow friendshipto the last article my lord shall never rest;I shall watch him tame and talk him out of patience. .u34f275d62a1e53097263e522e4a5c339 , .u34f275d62a1e53097263e522e4a5c339 .postImageUrl , .u34f275d62a1e53097263e522e4a5c339 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u34f275d62a1e53097263e522e4a5c339 , .u34f275d62a1e53097263e522e4a5c339:hover , .u34f275d62a1e53097263e522e4a5c339:visited , .u34f275d62a1e53097263e522e4a5c339:active { border:0!important; } .u34f275d62a1e53097263e522e4a5c339 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u34f275d62a1e53097263e522e4a5c339 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u34f275d62a1e53097263e522e4a5c339:active , .u34f275d62a1e53097263e522e4a5c339:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u34f275d62a1e53097263e522e4a5c339 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u34f275d62a1e53097263e522e4a5c339 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u34f275d62a1e53097263e522e4a5c339 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u34f275d62a1e53097263e522e4a5c339 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u34f275d62a1e53097263e522e4a5c339:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u34f275d62a1e53097263e522e4a5c339 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u34f275d62a1e53097263e522e4a5c339 .u34f275d62a1e53097263e522e4a5c339-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u34f275d62a1e53097263e522e4a5c339:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Real Meaning of LIfe EssayThese words of Desdemona clearly present Desdemonas assertion to use sexual power to control Othellos actions. Emily Bartrels states that Desdemona Promises to make it fearful and difficult demands desiring a subject to command Othello love(Strategies of submission Studies of English Literature: online). Shakespeare, in developing the power struggle of Othellos marriage, reminds the audience that to control a person fully only brings about turmoil. Like the sexual relationships, the non-sexual relationships in Othello emphasize the vulnerability of people when involved with other people personally and especially when dealing with people of shady character. The two adversarial relationships in the play develop out of Iagos master

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Toad Essay Example For Students

The Toad Essay Military Organizational StructureOrganization involves a intentional formalized structure of roles. People working together towards a common goal, but in specialized areas. The overall effectiveness of any particular association is directly proportional to the functioning of its members. As a firm increases in size the participants lose sight of the concept of teamwork. To maintain the competitive edge a corporation must remain flexible. To this end, varying styles of organizational structure have been implemented. Much of this framework is determined by the business type, goals to be achieved, and even the sociological level of advancement. Our armed forces today reflect this philosophy. We will write a custom essay on The Toad specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Traditionally the military has used a rigid organizational structure. A well defined chain of command is used to delegate responsibilities, even to this day. Divisionalization structure was a common style to maintain a self-contained support and service center. As pointed out by Dessler, this style requires more managers with general management abilities (401). Most subordinates job is to follow instructions from the higher level (Adams 102). This behavior has been reinforced by a high level of discipline, required for battlefield operations. As technology has redefined combat operations, so has the organizational and management style changed. The military organization today is based upon a geographic departmentalization structure. A specific section is tasked to go into a special area first should the need arise. This metamorphosis is a requirement due to the reduced number of personnel and the need for quick worldwide responsiveness. These numbers alone are not sufficient for adequate results in reaction to many needed operations. To make up for the lack of qualified people, the reserve forces are part of the new reactionary force. In any contingency worldwide these assets may be called up with short notice for global engagement. National Guard personnel serve under the command authority of their respective state or territorial governors until mobilized for a federal mission. This unique status does involve some creative managerial solutions. As a National Guard member I have noticed a uncommon organizational structure utilized. In some ways my unit is organized as a network system. The network is comprised of formal and informal structures. Work has been divided among varies specialized shops centering around maintaining expertise in that one area. Other aspects of the unit show a matrix structure to be present. The fact I have more than one supervisor, as in a project and functional manager illustrate (Wheelen and Hunger 231). This is manifested by the emphasis that work is important not the formal structure surrounding it (Nohria and Eccles 193). A result of multitasking requirements and a limited amount of resources available to non-federal units. But overall, at least upon the surface a functional organizational structure is present. A boundaryless organizational design is an interesting concept. However not practical in the military work environment. In my shop alone there are individuals who need to know who is in charge, or they would be nonproductive. A formal, functional structure, or at least be able to work within one must be maintained. Being accustomed to this style makes the transition of working with our active duty counterparts much easier. Yet our informal network based, matrix style organization is focused upon completing the mission with all our resources, not solely upon described duty roles. The military organizational structure has evolved greatly in the last two decades for the better. And they will do better to incorporate successful National Guard techniques. Any established group that is planning to endure and succeed today must remain flexible. Works CitedAdams, J. L. Conceptual Blockbusting. San Francisco,: W. H. Freeman Co., 1974Dessler, G. Management: Leading people and organizations in the 21st century. Upper Saddle River, N J: Prentice Hall, 1998Nohria, Nitin and Robert G. Eccles. Networks and Organizations: Structure, Form, and Action. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1992. .ud11d6714a323a10e0ecc65838a8b734f , .ud11d6714a323a10e0ecc65838a8b734f .postImageUrl , .ud11d6714a323a10e0ecc65838a8b734f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud11d6714a323a10e0ecc65838a8b734f , .ud11d6714a323a10e0ecc65838a8b734f:hover , .ud11d6714a323a10e0ecc65838a8b734f:visited , .ud11d6714a323a10e0ecc65838a8b734f:active { border:0!important; } .ud11d6714a323a10e0ecc65838a8b734f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud11d6714a323a10e0ecc65838a8b734f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud11d6714a323a10e0ecc65838a8b734f:active , .ud11d6714a323a10e0ecc65838a8b734f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud11d6714a323a10e0ecc65838a8b734f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud11d6714a323a10e0ecc65838a8b734f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud11d6714a323a10e0ecc65838a8b734f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud11d6714a323a10e0ecc65838a8b734f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud11d6714a323a10e0ecc65838a8b734f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud11d6714a323a10e0ecc65838a8b734f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud11d6714a323a10e0ecc65838a8b734f .ud11d6714a323a10e0ecc65838a8b734f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud11d6714a323a10e0ecc65838a8b734f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Teen Suicide EssayWheelen, Thomas L. and David J. Hunger. Strategic Management: and Business Policy. 6th ed. New York: Addison-Wesley, 1998BibliographyWorks CitedAdams, J. L. Conceptual Blockbusting. San Francisco,: W. H. Freeman Co., 1974Dessler, G. Management: Leading people and organizations in the 21st century. Upper Saddle River, N J: Prentice Hall, 1998Nohria, Nitin and Robert G. Eccles. Networks and Organizations: Structure, Form, and Action. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1992. Wheelen, Thomas L. and David J. Hunger. Strategic Management: and Business Policy. 6th ed. New York: Addison-Wesley, 1998

Monday, November 25, 2019

Gladiator Poster Essay Example

Gladiator Poster Essay Example Gladiator Poster Essay Gladiator Poster Essay Examine the techniques used by the advertisers of the film Gladiator to attract their target audience, indicating whether the advertisers succeeded in their aim.  The aim of this poster is to make the target audience want to go and see the film Gladiator Why would you want to go to see the film?  There are many reasons why people would like to go and see the film Gladiator by looking at the poster. It shows a powerful, mighty man in shiny bronze armor with a powerful face, holding a sword looking as though he has just killed someone. In this poster there are many points hitting you in the face wanting to see this film. For instance, the use of colour in this picture suggests that half of the balance is light and the other half dark, perhaps showing that this warrior may not only be evil, but may be good. There is a fiery background at the top, looking like a rain of fire, like clouds or like a volcanic eruption. At the bottom there is a darker image, like a Coliseum with people sitting in it. The people are very small and they are all looking at this huge warrior. : At the top of this poster you see a slogan. The slogan reads What we do in life echoes in eternity, and is split on each side of the gladiators head. What we do in life is on the bright side of the poster, and echoes in eternity is on the darker side. This suggests that the light side represents life, and the dark side represents death. This foreshadows what happens in the film, and makes the audience curious. In addition, it starts with two Ws, which is something one cannot pronounce fast. It is pronounced strong and slow. What we do in life also shows more of a meaner statement: its not something always good, it might be bad; its giving us a choice to think about What we do in life, so it might not always be good. Echoes in eternity is saying that someone (i.e. g-d) will always know what we have done. Therefore, echoes in eternity means something good, like will always be heard in heaven. The positioning of the slogan suggests that there is one dark side and one light side of the poster, and that one part is more aggressive than the other. If the positioning on the poster is looked at, the more forceful part of the slogan is in the light side of the poster, and the less forceful part of the slogan is in the dark side of the poster.  If we look at all the images in the poster, we see a huge warrior looking tall, firm and strong. In the darker, lower part of the poster, we see people sitting in the Coliseum. If the warrior image was not as big, it would not give the same strong and tense feel to the poster. The big title Gladiator is one of the main points in this poster. The colour is crispy, fiery, and sharp. The size of the font is big and it shows that it is a mainly action film. Russell Crowe is written in a large golden font above Gladiator, so that people who like the actors films would be attracted.  The target age of this film would be from ages 15 30. I think this because teenagers would relate to them, because they like blood, fighting and bright strong colours. Here we see a strong, big, fierce man who is looking like he has just attacked someone.  I think that this poster reached its goal. I think this because its quality and meaning is fabulous. Every time you look with depth into this poster, you find something new.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Journal entry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Journal entry - Essay Example During this exercise I managed to make an observation practice that regards evidence bias on hygiene among care providers. Later on I had a conversation with my preceptor regarding hygiene among care providers (Rutledge, 2011). My preceptor prepared me for the need to ensure hygiene in health institutions to reduce infections. My preceptor also gave me information regarding departments that ensure hand hygiene and how important it is. Hand hygiene helps to reduce hospital acquired infection. A meeting where I participated was held to discuss ways to sustain hand washing program. At the meeting, it was suggested that, to ensure hygiene, hand washing materials have to be availed to the employees in every department (Beauchesne, 2010). I then presented my practicum manual to the preceptor. The preceptor explained her role in this exercise and also asked me to let her know of my goals expectations in the next meeting. I engaged with the personnel from infection control department to evaluate the need of hand washing exercise to maintain hygiene in all the departments. I then had a meeting with my preceptor where we had a discussion on the following: the last weeks’ assignment, how we can work together with my preceptor to achieve the set objectives for the for the practicum experience. Rutledge, C. M., Renaud, M., Shepherd, L., Bordelon, M., Haney, T., Gregory, D. & Ayers, P. (2011). Educating advanced practice nurses in using social media in rural health care.  International journal of nursing education scholarship,  8(1),

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Global Industries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Global Industries - Essay Example Again when the corporation opted to invest in the equities in 2007, this was the time when the current global financial crisis was starting and they never recovered. Proper timing and a lack of diversity in investment may be attributed to the failure experienced by the corporation (Palacios & Musalem 2003). Given that the US economy may not improve much in the next three years, there is a need for Global Industries to consider investing in the developing economies, such has India and China. Other emerging markets in South America such as Brazil, and also Africa, may be another option worth exploring. In the past, pension fund managers have been known to risk with the money of taxpayers in equity markets that are characterised by a high level of volatility. The operations of our pension fund system has been such that the decision to take investment risks in the equity markets is often arrived at by a few individuals at the management level but when we experience a market crash, the taxpayers have to bear this risk. Often times, pension fund managers are quick to attribute the loss of taxpayers' money on the world financial crisis and bad markets (Mangiero 2009). It is not often that pension fund managers shall be awake to the realisation that the fund may be governed by investment models that are quite faulty, coupled with crooked actuarial theories. According to a majority of the economists that specialises in the assessment of funds, such plans may at best be viewed as risk time bomb that shall in the long-run result in losses. Inevitably, it is the taxpayer that shall be required to pay for such losses. For this reason, one could argue that the reason why we have had such a horrible experience in our pension fund is because our pension plans and models are faulty, and we have never taken the initiative to revise them accordingly (Caulkin 2009). The practice by the pension fund in the past years has been to heavily invest in equities. What appeared to have led the pension fund managers to such a decision was due to the assumption that the short-term meltdowns that they were experiencing would be offset by the ensuing financial gain in the long-term. Apparently, these fund managers seems not to have heeded the advice of financial economists, as regards the conventional model of investment markets; that "equities provide guaranteed returns over the long term" (Pension pulse 2009). This is a goal that economists have proved to be quiet untenable. Clearly, no one anticipated a global financial crisis of the magnitude that we are faced with, at the moment. It is imperative therefore that we do not repeat past mistakes. What this means is that we should learn to diversity our investments, at least as a cushioning effect against losing all the taxpayers earnings. In high investments such as the stocks or the equity funds, perfect timing is very important. Apparently, Global Industries appears to have opted to make investments at a time when disaster was just about to strike. Another characteristic of the past investments since the early 1990s is that the corporations have failed to adequately diversity its investments. For example, at one time, the corporation was into

Monday, November 18, 2019

Drug Development and Toxicology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Drug Development and Toxicology - Essay Example The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reports that most of the drugs reported to it do not come with sufficient information. The FDA says that drug developing companies need to submit information on the compounds that are used to manufacture the drug, uses of the drug and its effects among other important data. It reports that if companies submitted this kind of information, the drug approval process would be much quicker than the current 8 years that are required. Consequently, it would increase the number of drugs that are clinically approved to enter the market without any restrictions (Friedhoff, 2009). In the end, this will help save a lot of money as well as patients who die in during the approval period. One common reason for the failed approvals is that drug development companies fail to indicate the optimal dosage that a patient should use so as to minimize the listed drug effects as well as any dangers associated with taking the drug. When undergoing the approval process, such a drug will be disqualified from the clinics conducting the trials have no way of knowing the appropriate dosage. FDA also noted that the populations that are sampled during drug development are very different from the population that is meant to use the drug (Zanders, 2011). When clinical trials are being conducted and such an error is noted, the drug is disqualified as having been developed for a different population from the one that its safety tests were conducted on (Friedhoff, 2009).

Friday, November 15, 2019

Internet Responsible For Social Changes In Teenagers Media Essay

Internet Responsible For Social Changes In Teenagers Media Essay In 1950s, the first electronic computer was invented. This made work of day to day life very easy for the working population. But later in 1980s, the first world-wide Internet Protocol Suite was regulated and the world-wide network of all the computers interconnected through IP/TCP was called INTERNET. Then it started bringing reforms in working style, schools and education and recreational activities. Later, social networking sites were first introduced. Lately, internet has caused a very long term drastic changes in peoples day to day life. It has made communication so much easier that its use is rapidly increasing and is affecting the population of all the age groups. The age group which is most affected are the teenagers. Internet has provided them with different recreational activities with the most popular activity called social networking. à ¢- Ãƒ ¢- Ãƒ ¢-  Frequently children in 4th-6th grade levels engage in social networking activities. In the process they post personal, potentially exploitable, information about themselves online. Specifically, and within the last school year: 16% posted personal interests online, 15% posted information about their physical activities and 20% gave out their real name. In addition, 5% posted information about their school, 6% posted their home address, 6% posted their phone number and 9% posted pictures of themselves. This has led to child abuse which include kidnapping and raping that disrupts a kids childhood. à ¢- Ãƒ ¢- Ãƒ ¢-  Why I Chose This Topic? I chose this topic because in myself think that I have lately been using a lot of resources from internet for my educational work as well as recreation and fun. I have been using facebook very much lately and that has directly reflected on my grades in the exams that I gave lately. This addiction is so intense that I have to spend 2 hours of my time on facebook every day. So I have decided to research about how internet has affected my life? Global Perspective Internet gives us access to virtually unlimited amount of knowledge and information. The days are gone when teenagers had to flip through the books. Internet has made this very easier and books have been replaced by laptops and desktop-computers. These have made international cross communications very easier and have introduced different life concepts and cultures amongst the teenager who use internet. As the statistics suggests, 98% of the population aged from 18-24 uses social media too frequent in their day to day life. Worldwide, there are more than 1 billion user active users for the big three Microsofts Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail and Gmail. The international schools in MEDCs (more economically developed countries) like USA and UK encourage the use of internet widely in their type of teaching style. E-mails are used by students to make the communication easier, organised and faster for students and teachers both. GmailÆ’Â   425 million active users in June 2012 HotmailÆ’Â   350 million active users in October 2011 Yahoo MailÆ’Â  310 million active users in October 2011 More than 1.2 billion people across the globe uses worldwide social networking sites very frequently with most of them as children aged fewer than 20s. The survey of Rochester Institute of Technology states that 48% of students 2nd to 4th graders interact with people on social networking sites, while 50% indicate that their parents watch them when they use a computer and they have strict regulations over how to use internet and time limits for use of internet. But Harris Interactive-McAfee said that 63% of teenagers said that they know how to hide what they browse online from their parents. This suggests that the teenagers are slipping out of their limits and exploring data in the internet that they are not supposed to. Social networks are becoming more frequently used for dating purposes for teens. As suggested by Harris Interactive-McAfee survey, 52% of teens have given out personal information online to someone they dont know offline including personal photos and/or physical descriptions of themselves (24%). Statistics of the girls (34%) suggest that more girls have shared their personnel details than boys (15%). National Perspective- INDIA Introduction to diverse life concepts and cultures Development and introduction of internet through India has introduced many life concepts, different ideologies, cultures and different concepts on the very basic notion of how to live life. From cultures of the western world to cultures of remote civilizations,  it is said that the internet has made perception of life in general, extremely individualistic. Even if most of the Indian teenagers have not been abroad, but you can still see a part of them turning into western type culture. Exposure to vices and bad habits Internet is a pool of unlimited amount information. This cannot be always thought in a good way because this information portal has no device of filtering information for teenagers in India. Lets consider a typical global issue of pornography websites. Some of the websites have disclaimers which wares the user and warns them about what they are visiting because of the confirmation of age above 18 is asked. But is that working successfully to stop the teenagers from entering the adult websites? This was just an example. Indian teenagers have free access to information regarding drugs, sexuality and other ill habits that are condoned by the government of India. Concept of friendshipsC:UsersArjun DethaliaDownloads128863011033949093.png 1990: In these times, a friend was the one who youd meet regularly and have fun to gather. At last you would have many everlasting memories. And the communication took place through letters and telephones. When they part-away, there was agony of being separated because of no long distance communication as India was not developed in those times. 2012:  A friend is a person whose profile has been added to your profile and you know him by chatting or in neighbourhood. Communication with him/her takes place through chats and call. There is just a little feel of sadness when your friend drifts away because you could always stay in touch through social networks. Changing norms and traditions Internet has challenged the very thought of traditionalism of a cultural and religious India. In a land where culture, religion and values come before anything else in the world, internet is ruffling quite a few feathers -whether it is challenging traditions of how to build a house, how to use frozen food, how to live a nomadic life by taking backpacking trips or something as absurd as a woman looking up ways of becoming a pilot and a man looking up colleges to study catering. (Indonesia)Abductions and kidnapping have caused a large problem in countries like Indonesia. There have been several cases of kidnapping and child abuse there and police can really not do anything about it as the identity of the internet user is anonymous. Police is nearly impossible to find the culprit. Individual/ Local Perspective Rajkot is a city located in India, Gujarat. It is the 4th largest city in Gujarat and is one of the fastest growing cities in India. As it has gone through a rapid urbanisation, there has been a widespread use of internet since past 10 years. Internet has helped the teens of Rajkot transition in many different ways. Todays Teenagers of Rajkot uses technology more than they ever did. More than 80% of Junior-High students in TGS (The Galaxy School- one of the best schools in Rajkot) have internet access which they use to send and receive email, instant messages, live chat, and more. Well, the schools of Rajkot has tried to introduce education through internet amongst children from which TGS is has been extremely successful. Teens of Rajkot have nearly stopped hanging out with their friends because of internet because they could now; easily chat with their friends through live-chat/conference-calls. Online chatting also has its own hazards. Especially, when talking to strangers online they do not really know who they are. They can be just anybody pretending to be someone else. Many teens of Rajkot have been reported of child abuse and kidnapping happening this way!! And it has come hard on police as there is no way of verifying who have really done this. As far as I have researched, I have to agree that internet harms the teenagers more than they improve them. I am a teenager, 15 years old, and Internet has changed my life to a great extent. It provides me data that I can download and watch free without even paying for it in real life. I have a privilege to use internet whenever I want as far as I use it for something productive. As far as I have researched internet is bad for teenagers life and should be used in limited amounts a day or it could lead to addiction, a permanent physical disorder like weight gaining or could create a barrier between kids and their social life. Thus, I will try to cut down on my internet usage and will try to do my most of the work by many other authentic sources like books and articles. Possible Scenarios:- Cyber-Bullying Cyber-Bullying is a form of bullying that takes place over the internet that maliciously threatens a And humiliates the victim very badly. It was declared a serious crime by National Crime Prevention Council, in 2010.   It has extremely dangerous consequences like emotional distress to victims; from which depression has caused many deaths by suicides committed by youth. It is difficult to prevent as the criminal/s are anonymous and are hard to find. But if society takes necessary actions, the frequency of it occurring can be reduced. Friends and family of victims are also impacted when cyber bullying occurs. They may also feel powerless to stop it or guilty for not having spoken out against the bullying.   Ã‚   Social Development It has been proved that kids who spend more time on social networking cannot converse with people as well as who spend less. This is a real blow to kids development Children cannot therefore not socialize and blend with the people around them. Possible Courses of Action Kids under 15 are less stubborn and easy to control. Parents could just watch over them while they are browsing through internet for studies or anything else that is productive. They could be allotted with time to go online on social networks and chat with their friends or play games. Children that are over 15 are stubborn and are not as easy to control. So there are ways of watching over what they do on internet. Everything except the productive data on internet could be blocked using a software like Cyber-Roam Porn and drug trading is against the rules of using internet for teenagers. It is also legal to some extent in the developed countries. But it is still too harmful to get introduced in teens life. To stop the illegal activities happening on internet, sites that are for above adults should ask for a particular ID that proves that the person is above 18/adult. Drug trading online is illegal in each and every country of the world. There is no way that it could be banned in the country in a short period of time; but awareness can gradually reduce the amount of drug trades over years until it is nearly negligible.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Rose’s Breast Cancer in Jane Smileys A Thousand Acres :: Smiley Thousand Acres Essays

Rose’s Breast Cancer in A Thousand Acres Pete, representing erratic male rage in the novel, has a history of abusing Rose. This climaxes when he breaks her arm. It follows a terrible logic that since male rage hurts her body, so does her own, the impetus of which is provided by the patriarchal system. Ginny's description of Pete fits Rose equally well, with an anger that "would be quiet, but corrosive, erupting at odd times" (31). Rose's breast cancer symbolizes the way she is literally consumed with anger (the cancer eats at her flesh, consuming her body). Anger is the only way she knows to deal with her father, her husband, men and the system they represent: "We're not going to be sad. We're going to be angry until we die. It's the only hope."(354) She doesn't see that anger is destructive, that anger is in fact why things have turned out the way they have. She is continually reminded of the toll her anger takes on her body, as her arm unconsciously strays to the lost muscles under her other arm, by the lost breast. Nevertheless, she ignores the signs, anger has become a part of her body. The fact that this act resembles a posture signifying an attempt to contain her heart -her overflowing anger- suggests this, as does the fact that she especially does this when she is angry: "She pushed her hair back with her hand, then put her fist on her hip, defiant. Except that on the way down, her fingers fluttered over the vanished breast, the vanished muscles." (151) Her body, then, enacts her strategy. If you can't beat them, join them. If the system is based on egocentricity, cruelty, coldness and rage, then those will be her weapons. When Jess backs out of farming their land, she says: "When it came right down to building on something that we had, it scared him to build on death and bad luck and anger and destruction" (352). The underlying assumption of her statement is that it is impossible to challenge all the death and destruction, so one might as well turn it to one's own advantage. This strategy, ironically, turns her into what the patriarchy has accused hers and Ginny's intertextual counterparts -Regan and Goneril- of; an inhuman half-man. When she reigns supreme over the thousand acres, she has turned into her own worst nightmare: her father.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Vietnamese Culture Evaluation

Assement 1 (1000 words): Discusss the key dimensions of national culture in your domicile (home) country using the frameworks of Hofstede (2001) including: Power Distance; Uncertainty avoidance; Individualism/ Collectivism; Masculinity/ femininity; long term orientation. Introduction In the â€Å"flat† world today, opening a business on abroad will be easier than before (Friedman, 2005). The manager from other countries will need to face with other culture aspect that they never met before.In order to solve this problem, Hofstede’s dimensions (1970) suggested that his model with 5 dimensions: Power Distance, Uncertain Avoidance Individualism/ collectivism, Masculinity/ femininity, Long-term orientation, which refer to any culture on the globe, and Vietnam in this case. For this essay requirement, the Power Distance and Long-term Orientation will be discussed in this essay, how it is effective on this constructed in international business management as well as the disadv antage of Hofstede’s module.Hofstede’s module suggests that national culture can be influence behaviour and management in workplace. His research suggested that differences of behaviour are accounted for nationality and national culture determinants. In addition, understanding the cultural differences could be done by drawing on these dimensions. Hofstede stated that there are many national differences in work-related values, beliefs, norms and self-descriptions and societal variables, could be explained in five key dimensions of national culture. Power DistancePower distance score of Vietnam was given a high value of 70 by Hofstede’s study(2013) as mesuased by the scores in his 1970s IBM internal cultural test system, in which describe power distance as dealing with the need of a society for independence versus interdependence. In other research which is carried out by McCleland suggests that the need for power is to have influences over others and tend to be g ained more privilege than other. Additionally, Individuals with high power distance will tend to achieve target or choose a job which responsibility, feedback and a medium percentage of risk.Hofstede (1984) also suggested that in a high power distance score, Vietnam in this case, he/she is more likely to accept unequal distributions of power. It could be take away power, control mechanism or decision making, but they will easy accept this situation in higher power distance rather than lower one. However, economic system and environment are needed to take in to account as others factors which might have strongly influence power distance. In a research is carried out by Hoang (2008),a researcher from Capabella, USA, within 20 managers who are Vietnamese gave us a differences result.The research was pointed out that the managers get lower score in Power Distance, who tend be cooperate with the lower staff rather than made their decision on their own. Long-term Orientation. In Vietnames e culture, modest is highly evaluated (Te, H. D. , 1987; Cao, X. H. , 1999). In another hand, Hofstede also claimed that Vietnam got a high score on Long-term Orientation, which was influenced by Confucius, who emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity.Thus, society shows a pragmatic future-oriented perspective rather than a conventional historical short-term point of view ( Hofstede, 2001). It means that the Longterm Orientation is a result to develop this high score of Power Distance in Vietnam. In Hofstede website, he also claimed that Vietnam score is 80, that making it is long-term orientation. In different words, Vietnam, is a country, who believed in pragmatism, where achieving goal a task and getting virtue is prioritized.As a result, the manager can aware that the employees push their adaption up to limit if it is the requirement of the job and sometimes, working for money mind not top goal for the bread-maker. Respect from employers, peers or colleagues (Tatum, 1997 quoted by Harvery and Allard, 2009) is all so an reward for them. Despite the fact that Hofstede model is most famous theory in human resource in manager, there are some critics on it. According to Mc Sweenry (2002), Hofstede’s module was assumed that national culture is equal with company culture as well as put the Confucian Dynamism on the top of the table in his research.In Vietnamese context, beside the Confucian, Buddhism is needed to be taking in to account as well. Back in 1000 years ago, when Ly Dynasty chooses Hanoi the capital of Van Xuan, old name of Vietnam, Buddhism was become the national religious (Tran, 1997;Phan, 1992 ) until Nguyen Dynasty in 18th century. In additional, Ly Dynasty also introduced the teaching of 3 regilous: Buddhism, Confucian, Taoism at the same times in the past. This philosophy is still now alive and can be known in other name is Cao Dai religious with 3 million fellows. So Vietna m culture and behaviour will depended on religious rather than Confucian only.Conclusion. Vietnam is a developing country where is people are open-minded and easy to cooperate with other people and Money –oriented people mind be the minority, due to the reason that, the long-term goal for respect and job security is their goal of life. Two dimensions linking could be seen in the Hofstede’s module where the score of Power Distance and Long-term Orientation are 70 and 80 receptively. However, the Hofstede’s module may be still lack of evaluation in particular situation like Vietnamese behaviour in foreign countries or the over-evaluation of Hofstede on Confucian must be reviewed.From manager point of view, Hofstede’s module is still an initial step to start with. References: 1. Cao, Xuan Hao, 1999. Contributions of linguistic researches to the understanding of Vietnamese thought and Vietnamese culture 2. Confucius, a bibiography http://www. confucius. org/l unyu/edbio. htm 3. Hofstede,G. , cited in Minkov,M. , The evolution of Hofstede’s doctrine, P. 11 4. Phan, H. C. , 1992. L? ch Tri? u Hi? n Chuong Lo? i Chi (Records on Administrative Systems of Successive Dynasties). Vols. 1-2-3. Trans. by Vi? n S? H? c Vi? t Nam. Ha N? i: Khoa H? c Xa H? i Press. 5.Te, Huynh Dinh, 1987 Introduction to Vietnamese Culture. 6. Tran, Q. V. , 1997 Tim hieu van hoa dan gian Hanoi (Understanding folk culture of Hanoi). 7. Hoang. H. , 2008, Culure and Management: A study of Vietnamese cultural influences on management style. Capella University, USA Department of Business Management HRM subject group Avoiding academic irregularity: plagiarism/ghost-writing checklist * coursework submission cover sheet Before you submit coursework, in accordance with University regulations, you should be able to confirm that the coursework that you are submitting is your own original work and that you have: read and understood the guidance on academic irregularity an d plagiarism in the module handbook; * clearly referenced, both within the text and on the end reference page/s, all sources used in the work; * based your work on academic sources from academic search engines such as the American Business Index (ABI). Student sources should not be used. * used inverted commas and the full reference details (including page numbers) for all text quoted from books, journals, web-based other sources; * provided the sources for all data in tables and figures that are not your own work; not made use of the work of any other student(s) past or present without acknowledgement. This includes any of your own work that has been previously, or concurrently, submitted for assessment, either at this or any other educational institution, including school; * not sought or used the services of any professional agencies such as ghost writers or other individuals, to produce this work; * retained all the material collected in the process of developing your coursework ; and * in addition, you understand that any false claim in respect of this work may result in disciplinary action in accordance with University regulations.Remember, the Learning Development Centre offers advice on academic writing. Please tick to confirm that you have observed the points above in your coursework and submit a signed copy of this complete form (2 pages) with your coursework submission. Name| | Matriculation Number| | Degree Programme| | Module Title| | Module/Seminar Tutor| | Date| | This is my own original work; it has not been submitted elsewhere in fulfilment of the requirements of this or any other award. Signed †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦|

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Breaching The Dams, A Controversial Solution To Saving Salmon

Breaching Dams - A Controversial Solution To Saving The Salmon TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction........................................ 1 The Army Corps of Engineers Role..................... 2 The National Marine Fisheries Services Recommendations.. 2 Proponents Of Breaching............................. 3 Technical Requirements And Cost Of Breaching.......... 4 Opponents Of Breaching............................. 5 Conclusion........................................ 5 Bibliography....................................... 6 BREACHING DAMS - A CONTROVERSIAL SOLUTION TO SAVING THE SALMON Introduction A big controversy in Washington today is whether we should breach our dams to save our salmon. Opponents are squaring off over a controversial proposal to save salmon by breaching four dams on Washington’s Snake River. Each spring, millions of young Chinook salmon in the Snake River have to get past four killers as they make their way out to the open sea. They go by the names of Lower Granite, Little Goose, Lower Monumental, and Ice Harbor. These dams, erected in Washington in the 1960s and 1970s to generate power for the Pacific Northwest, can be just as deadly as any predator, smolts can get pureed by turbine blades or plunge over spillways to their deaths. Survivors are delayed by sluggish water behind the dams that might cripple their ability to adapt to salt water. The Army Corps Of Engineers Role The Army Corps of Engineers, which is supposed to run the dams while protecting the salmon, has spent years and hundreds of millions of dollars to try to reduce the annual slaughter by capturing smolts and trucking or barging them to the Columbia River, upstream of Portland, where the fish have a chance to get to the Pacific Ocean. This strategy is failing, experts say. According to tagged fish studies, less than five percent of the barged salmon survive to return to their spawning grou... Free Essays on Breaching The Dams, A Controversial Solution To Saving Salmon Free Essays on Breaching The Dams, A Controversial Solution To Saving Salmon Breaching Dams - A Controversial Solution To Saving The Salmon TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction........................................ 1 The Army Corps of Engineers Role..................... 2 The National Marine Fisheries Services Recommendations.. 2 Proponents Of Breaching............................. 3 Technical Requirements And Cost Of Breaching.......... 4 Opponents Of Breaching............................. 5 Conclusion........................................ 5 Bibliography....................................... 6 BREACHING DAMS - A CONTROVERSIAL SOLUTION TO SAVING THE SALMON Introduction A big controversy in Washington today is whether we should breach our dams to save our salmon. Opponents are squaring off over a controversial proposal to save salmon by breaching four dams on Washington’s Snake River. Each spring, millions of young Chinook salmon in the Snake River have to get past four killers as they make their way out to the open sea. They go by the names of Lower Granite, Little Goose, Lower Monumental, and Ice Harbor. These dams, erected in Washington in the 1960s and 1970s to generate power for the Pacific Northwest, can be just as deadly as any predator, smolts can get pureed by turbine blades or plunge over spillways to their deaths. Survivors are delayed by sluggish water behind the dams that might cripple their ability to adapt to salt water. The Army Corps Of Engineers Role The Army Corps of Engineers, which is supposed to run the dams while protecting the salmon, has spent years and hundreds of millions of dollars to try to reduce the annual slaughter by capturing smolts and trucking or barging them to the Columbia River, upstream of Portland, where the fish have a chance to get to the Pacific Ocean. This strategy is failing, experts say. According to tagged fish studies, less than five percent of the barged salmon survive to return to their spawning grou...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

PhD proposal - The human rights in the middle east before and after Arab revolutions The WritePass Journal

PhD proposal - The human rights in the middle east before and after Arab revolutions Executive Summary PhD proposal The human rights in the middle east before and after Arab revolutions , written by the Human Rights Watch organisation, looked specifically at the uprisings in the Middle East and raised questions as to how this would potentially impact on human rights, within the region[6]. According to the report, it was recognised that the Arab Spring was hugely influential in the development of human rights, in the region; however, it was also stated that creating a democratic, self-respecting state was not something that would happen in a matter of a few months, despite the revolutionary nature of the changes. It was noted in this report that a region which has previously been subject to a dictatorial regime, when left to behave independently, does not necessarily mean that there will be an automatic improvement in human rights; therefore, the difficulty for the path from the current situation to creating a democratic and fair society should not be underestimated[7]. Other research in this area has suggested that the dramatic events which took place in 2009 and 2011 actually arose over a prolonged period of time and did not suddenly arise from nowhere, as the media reports may have suggested, at the time. By looking at instances of human rights’ violations prior to the uprisings and the way in which various different third-party organisations were becoming increasingly involved in providing security within the region, it could be argued that the events which took place, in December 2010, were merely the final step towards liberalisation and were not actually as dramatic as originally suggested[8]. The issues that have arisen in the Middle East will be considered in the context of wider theoretical perspectives of human rights and how these rights emerge within modern society as well as how they should be protected. For example in the case of Marx it was argued that the only reason that human rights needed to be established at all was to support the capitalist developments and this reliance on natural rights should be viewed as paramount[9]. Other appropriate theories that will be drawn on in the wider discussion is that of the socialist concept which suggests that basic human rights area   duty of society and basic levels should be established as a matter of political urgency[10]. When looking towards the future, there is considerable uncertainty from academics and practitioners as to how this revolutionary period is likely to play out, in the future and whether or not these dramatic changes in the region are going to create a suitable framework for the protection of human rights, or whether there is a danger that the situation will become worse, before it gets better. This presents the argument that whilst dictatorial rule can be damaging to human rights, creating such a high level of uncertainty within the region can also create similar problems[11]. Proposed Time Frame It is anticipated that the research will take place over a period of three years, with the timeframe being necessary, in order to explore the potential changes and to observe how the region develops, in the coming months, which may be hugely influential to the ultimate findings of this research. The main period of the research will be spent analysing the existing position, drawing on all current literature in this area, before identifying how the situation is now developing and whether or not the suggested theories associated with the development of human rights in the region are being experienced or not, in practice, as time goes on. Due to the transient nature of this research, it is anticipated that several aspects will need to be revisited, on an ongoing basis, and it is therefore a relatively time-consuming project, albeit crucially important, at this dynamic period of time. Ethical Issues and Potential Problems Dealing with issues such as human rights, particularly in a volatile political arena, has substantial ethical issues and care must be taken to ensure anonymity, particularly when collecting any primary research that may be available. Gathering data in this area is likely to be emotive and personal; therefore, ensuring sufficient balance of research will be a critical aspect of presenting the most balanced viewpoint possible, as regards to future options[12]. Indicative References The references identified here are the starting point of the research and it is likely that this will be extended substantially, as the research is undertaken. Arthur, Paige. 2009. How transitions Reshaped Human Rights: A Conceptual History of Transitional Justice. In Human Rights Quarterly, 31:2, May, pp. 321- 46. Bentham, Jeremy 1987 Anarchical Fallacies; being an examination of the Declaration of Rights issues during the French Revolution, in Jeremy Waldron (ed.),Nonsense Upon Stilts: Bentham, Burke and Marx on the Rights of Man, New York: Methuen, p.69. Berger, Lars. 2011. The Missing Link? US Policy and the International dimensions of Failed Democratic Transitions in the Arab World. In Political Studies, 59:1, March, pp. 38-55 Bevernage, Berber. 2010. Writing the Past out of the Present: History and the Politics of time in Transitional Justice. In History Workshop Journal, 69, Spring. Blackbum, Robin. 2011. Reclaiming Human Rights. In New Left Review, 69, May-June. Dembour, Marie-Benedicte. 2010. What Are Human Rights? Four Schools of Thought. In Human Rights Quarterly, 32:1, February, pp.1-20. Fletcher, L., Weinstein, H. Rowen, J. 2009. Context, Timing and the Dynamics of Transitional Justice: A Historical perspective. In Human Rights Quarterly, 31, pp. 163-220. Human Rights Watch (2013) Annual Report 2013 Available at: Husak, Douglas 1985 The Motivation for Human Rights, 11  Social Theory and Practice, 249-255 Langlois, Anthony J. 2003. Human Rights without Democracy? A Critique of the Separationist Thesis. In Human Rights Quarterly, Vol 25: 4, November. MacQueen, Benjamin. 2009. Democracy Promotion and Arab Autocracies. In Global Change, Peace and Security, 21:2, June, pp. 165-178. Meister, Robert. 2011. After Evil: A Politics of Human Rights. New York: Columbia University Press.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Critically discuss the view that capital markets created the Essay - 3

Critically discuss the view that capital markets created the conditions that led to the new economy bubble and the banking crisis - Essay Example This is attributed to the fact that when a firm or a nation borrows money from the capital markets, the reason is often to invest in additional physical capital products that will be utilized to increase income. It usually takes several months or even years before the investments start generating sufficient return to pay back its cost thus leading to an economic crisis. Capital markets are usually concerned with long tern finance. It comprises of a series of channels through which the communities’ savings are made available for commercial and industrial enterprises and public authorities. Therefore, Chisholm (2009) defines capital markets as financial markets which are tasked with the buying and selling of equity-backed securities or long-term debt. These markets usually channel the wealth of the savers to those who have the capability of putting it into long-term use. The paper will offer evidence supporting the view that capital markets created the conditions that led to the ‘new economy’ bubble and the banking crisis. According to a view shared by Rudd (2009), prescriptions of the neo-liberal policy flow from the major theoretical belief in the superiority of unregulated markets, especially unregulated capital markets. These claims is based on the "efficient-markets hypothesis" , which claims that financial-market prices, such as stock-market prices incorporates all the available information representing the best possible estimate of asset prices. Therefore, it follows that if prices fully informed and markets are fully efficient, there exists no reason to believe that asset-price bubbles are probable which means that if these do occur, markets will self-correct. In the neo-liberal view, deviations from market efficiency are as a result of external causes. They ascertain that bubbles and other disruptions are caused by governments and other "imperfections", and

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Should SDSu student use ADHD drug to help them study Essay

Should SDSu student use ADHD drug to help them study - Essay Example On the other hand, there are students who abuse these drugs by taking them even though they do not have the condition. This is very common among students who have high expectations to excel. Despite the significant risks associated with ADHD drugs, some students take them without proper medical advice in order to cope with high expectations and academic standards. Even for students with ADHD, the drugs only improve concentration and attention but do not help when it comes to studying. Preliminary investigations show that the primary motive as to why students take ADHD drugs is for study help. Since ADHD drugs are one of the most abused drugs among students, the current paper examines whether SDSu students should use these drugs. Using ethical and logical (health concerns) arguments, we argue that only students with special needs, having been examined by relevant specialists, should be allowed to take ADHD drugs. Application of Appeal of Logic Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) was originally believed to be a pediatric condition. Children who suffer from ADHD continue experiencing the symptoms even in adulthood. Adderall is the most common prescribed drug for students with ADHD, with Ritalin and Dexedrine. . ADHD stimulant is a legal drug as compared to other illegal drugs sold on the street. When one buys these drugs, it is evident that dirty druggies like those who prepare cocaine do not prepare the drug. Therefore, SDSu students with special needs should use ADHD drugs because most people trust the drug’s medical founding. It is quite evident that medical experts would not deceive the public about the ADHD stimulant quality. ADHD drugs are perceived to be stimulants because they expand dopamine in the brain. There has been an increase in the consumption of ADHD stimulants in the United States of America that is, individuals’ expenditure on these drugs rose from 83% to 90% from the year 1993 to 2003. The increase in consumption of th ese drugs does not only apply in United States but also the rest of the world. Usually, students use these drugs to curb exam pressures since sleepiness and fatigue makes it hard for students to study. However, students use these drugs not necessarily to score high but to concentrate during study. In addition, using the ADHD stimulants is not legal because Adderall is a controllable stimulant just like cocaine (Oremus, 2013). Application of Appeal of Emotion Research indicates that some students take ADHD stimulants for the right reason. Students use these stimulants to encourage positive outcomes: good and high grades. For instance, Oremus (2013) explains that these drugs allow one to hold attention for long hours when performing a task. The stimulants also increase individuals’ ability to remember, multitask, and to be faster in handling activities. Crusius and Channell (2010) claims that taking ADHD drug helps students think better and perform successfully and professional ly in schoolwork. However, ADHD drug is for individuals who want success in their work towards achieving their goals. According to Oremus, (2013), Cambridge undergraduate students who employ ADHD drugs in their studies and their consumption has resulted to enhancements such as recollecting of information within a short duration and planning capabilities. If a student wants to experience a

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Working Capital and Financial Environment Case Study

Working Capital and Financial Environment - Case Study Example in this case, the most important elements in the environment are the other actors involved either directly or indirectly with a production process. In assessing the internal environment, the professionals try to identify all the relevant actors paying attention to stated goals and strategies. Abbott and Merck requires huge financial resources on research and development and financial internal control helps to evaluate and analyze financial situation and investments risks. In 2006, Abbott has $24.11 billion revenue while Merck has $23.34 billion. Merck operating margin is 24.48% while in Abbott operating margin is 17.84% (Abbott Laboratories 2007; Merck and Co. 2007). Internal control suggests that all activities are reasonably under control from the perspective of costs. Cost variances can be controlled by establishing a good change control process and sticking to it. First, all requests for changes are documented. The requests describe the impact of the change on costs, the schedule , the technical integrity of the deliverable, and other work being carried out. Once they are properly formulated, they are reviewed by a panel of players who are charged with overseeing progress on the activities.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Life & Wessex King Essay Example for Free

Life Wessex King Essay Life in the past was characterized with lots of battles between rival territories. This resulted to the rise of powerful empires and the measure of power during those days was through the number of wars fought. Warriors of those days were called Vikings. A Viking also denotes a pirate, merchant or explorer. These Norsemen normally used long ships to travel in the sea to all the places of their interest and used the same vessels to fight their enemies. The Vikings are traced to have originated in the early 17th century in the German territory. The initiator of Vikings in the Iceland is Erik the red. He lived all his life ruling his people after which his son picked the mantle from him (Gwyn, J. 2000). SCANDINAVIA The term Scandinavia is both a historical a major geographical part in the world. There exist also a people who are identified as the Scandinavians. According to the geographical setting, Scandinavia is located in the Northern Europe, a place called Scandinavian Peninsula. The kingdoms that existed in the Scandinavian region include: Finland, Norway and partly Denmark. A lot of research done also reveal that Sweden and Iceland also form part of this robust history. All these regions put together are further referred to as Nordic region. The geographical orientation of Scandinavia is rather ambiguous. The region spreads from the Norwegian Fjords all the way to the low areas in Denmark through the Scandinavian Mountains and to the archipelagos of Sweden and Norway. This region has diverse group of people and for this reason, there exist more that one dialect. The languages that were spoken in these regions included Norway, Sweden and Denmark dialects. These people usually understood each other and thus had mutual understanding. DO THE VIKINGS RIGHTFULLY DESERVE THE REPUTATION THAT THEY WERE CRUEL, MURDEROUS BARBARIANS? WHY? WHY NOT? The Vikings performed most of their ventures through wars. It is evident that a normal way of dressing was to be attire that is characteristic of a warrior. The males had war uniforms all the time. From the first time that the Vikings entered a territory, war had to be fought. It is mandatory that people must die in the event of war. The death of people was so common to these northern tribes that any one could talk of them to be cruel and murderous. Other ventures like sea piracy and looting were associated with brutality and blood shed. The victims of such encounters were left counting their losses if they were not dead. Erik who is one of the founders of the Vikings movement was actually observed to murder many people in his native land until he was expelled to go to exile, the result which led to the discovery of Ice land. EXPLAIN THE ROLE OF WESSEX, IN REGARD TO THE VIKINGS IN ENGLAND. The Wessex territory was known for its great power during the year 878. This territory had great potential that any attacker could admire. Te Wessex King of that time planed for a very efficient army that was to fight and defeat the Viking warriors. This king managed to resist the Vikings and with time became pronounced as Alfred the great. His territory was a centre for trade, commerce and administration. The Vikings however invaded this land and took loots from it as usual. The Wessex region acted as a real opposition to the advances of the Vikings. Every one feared the Vikings. The sight of these raiders approaching a region would send cold shivers down the guts of every king. King Alfred however managed to escape them, even though he was later cornered. The Wessex region became a home of habitation to some Vikings although others separated from the settling camp and continued with invasion. Wessex became a point mark towards bringing an end to the Viking advances in war. HOW DID THE VIKINGS CONTRIBUTE TO THE BREAK-UP OF THE CAROLINGIAN EMPIRE? The Vikings were a major threat to the kings during the Viking age. The Vikings attached Carolingian empire in the year 885 and 886 leading to the defeat of their kings. In 845, the Viking warriors sailed to seine in France and attacked it. The end result of this was a defeat to the Carolingian empire and the kings that followed were just puppet rulers who were initiated by the Vikings. This led to the fall of this empire and it took along time to come up again. EXPLAIN THE VARIOUS PHASES INVOLVED IN VIKING RAIDS. Vikings mainly had 3 phases of raids. The very first phase said to have lasted from 790-840. The Vikings used very shallow draught long ships. They always used these ships because they were suitable majorly for surprise attacks in the coastal towns. The size of these vessels was so small so that the Vikings could rush and attack very fast. With this they attacked Frisia and Aquitane. The second level of attacks occurred between 841 and 875 and the number of raids increased. The Vikings attacked by killing or enslaving their victims. With this, the attacks proceeded to the Mediterranean Sea. 876 to 911 saw the introduction of the third phase. With this, the Vikings started to invade frnce and other parts of Europe. They also developed their own fleets that were used to attack distance empires.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Management Essays Key Communication Skill

Management Essays Key Communication Skill Key Communication Skill The ability to negotiate is a key communication skill and frequently takes place in the context of meeting. How can meetings be managed to ensure useful outcomes are achieved, particularly when the participants may have very different objectives? Use examples from real meetings where possible. Abstract Business meetings frequently take place with the view to allow executives to explore and achieve desired organizational objectives. They are to communicate of plans, updates, progress and outcomes of business strategies. At times these meetings are also between parties outside the organization. Whichever the case, negotiation skills are critical in helping managers to persuade other participants to change their views and accept the ones that are presented at the meeting. The ability to negotiate therefore is key to communication at meetings and required by chairpersons/leaders/participants to conduct successful business meetings. IntroductionMeetings can be frustrating and at times not necessary if the objectives of the encounter are not clearly identified. Business persons get frustrated at the frequency and quality of the meetings they attend (or conduct) declaring them a waste of time and resources. The value of such meetings is compromised when parties attending the meeting come out unsatisfied and frustrated by the decision reached. With the rate of meeting timings increasing everyday in organizations engaging executives 75 percent to 100 percent of their time, the success rate is diminishing day by day due to rapid decisions made and implemented (Timm 1997). Meetings participants are likely to feel disappointed and unsatisfied with the results of meetings especially when they spend less time in preparing and planning for meetings they attend. It is therefore not surprising to find that there are numerous documents and books published on meetings and how participants can engage in fruitful endeavours without compromising their own position. As a formal communication framework, meetings can make or break a business therefore consideration for its success is critical. Negotiation as a key to communication skills must be integrated along with other meetings strategies with the view to ensure outcomes are achieved to the desires of the participants without frustrating either party. Purpose Statement In the following report the researcher shall outline how negotiation as a key to meetings communication skill can be used to achieve business objectives despite participant differences in objectivity. The report shall first outline the purpose of meetings followed by how business meetings should be conducted and what elements are critical for its success. This is concluded with recommendations for successful business meetings. ReportPurpose of communication Building a corporate culture is pegged in the setting up of an effective communication system. Organizations shape and influence the behaviour of individuals through powerful communication strategies and culture so that they can help in achieving organizational objectives. When used appropriately, communication can offer insightful analysis of the organizations vision and mission, goals and objectives and more importantly how these may be implemented. To perpetuate conducive business environment, executives and management often engage in communication dialogues for numerous purposes and on a variety of occasions. According to Deborah J. Barrett (Oliver 2004) organizations engage in communication to mediate change management. Executives and top management uses its communication framework to communicate the need for change to cope up with the dynamic business environment. They engage in meetings with employees to communicate identification of roles in car rying out tasks required for the change management. Employees and employer meetings therefore is a top-down approach to communication with the purpose to form powerful coalition, creating vision, empowering workers to act on vision, carry out plans and consolidating efforts for change management (Barrett in Oliver 2004). However, often management in the flow of forming their objectives fail to recognize the objectives of individuals working within their organizations, resulting in ineffective and useless weekly meetings that achieve less and waste more time and resources. In another scenario communication through meetings among managers to discuss and generate ideas and feedback on work progress is also normal. Purely administrative communication of this nature is carried out with the purpose to analyze and update on organizational progress. Managers of various departments communicate their intent, delegate by expressing their proposals and establish chain of command of internalized processes for plan implementation purposes. They communicate with other managers and executives to update progress and express their desire for shared resources or to provide feedback to evaluate existing or forthcoming problems within and outside the organization. In such instances the climate of communication may not appeal to the participants as each attempt to put forth their ideas and expect acceptance from the others. For this reason resistance and barriers to communication are expected. The participants tend to bargain or negotiate their way with others with the hop e to elicit collaborative actions (Ramundo 1994). Another and perhaps the most important aspect of formal communication in meetings is the objective to elicit business outcomes from individuals outside the organizations like sellers, suppliers, unions, shareholders or directors where the basic premise of the meeting is to negotiate and come to certain winning outcomes. Meeting participants therefore come to the room geared to negotiate and to reject opponents proposals. The purpose of these corporate meetings therefore is to overcome the barriers to communication and come out as the wining party. Negotiations in business meetings Meetings in todays business world compromise of participants negotiating defensively (Foster 2004). Whether one is a buyer, a supplier, a union leader or a client successful meeting participants are those who negotiate before the contract is signed. Spending some time to communicate the details of the contract like clauses, agreed upon provisions, price or salary can help the negotiator in achieving the desired outcomes. Once a meeting is convened, the participants assume the roles of the negotiators engaging dialogues that elicit their objectives and purpose for participating. It is best that participants define the objectives and account for the desired outcomes. Successful negotiators usually plan their strategies before hand so that they can concentrate on non-aggressive yet succinct dialogues to persuade the opponent in accepting their terms. For instance a union leader and a company management will likely have their strategies written down before they enter the meeting room. They are likely to engage in dialogues that reflect clauses that they plan to negotiate upon. Such planning is critical as it helps the negotiators to direct the meeting and also to save time by concentrating on the objectives only rather than engage in meaningless communication. In such situations James Manktelow of Mind Tools (2005) is of the opinion that negotiation skills are essential in meetings and conflict situations where the participants need to appropriate their dialogues to seek wining negotiation. The participants who lose out tend to become confrontational or harbour a grudge against the wining party. Consequently the modern adage for negotiation is to create a win-win situation whereby both parties gain from the negotiation. this approach is not only critical for resolving disputes and have a lasting effect on the business relationship but it also open up channels of communication in the long term. Nevertheless, this is not to say that negotiation dialogues always result in win-win situations. In cases of policies making, or buying of a house or selling a product negotiation often result in one party losing and the other wining. For this purpose it is recommended that the situation is dealt with in an amicable manner through excessive planning for counter arguments without having to be aggressive to the other person. The key to such business meetings is to negotiate the terms of trade rather than focussing on defeating the opponent (Manktelow 2005). Consideration for trades terms, alternatives, expected outcomes, consequences, and possible resolutions are critical to the negotiation situation. Communication in meetings Meetings as discussed in the previous sections are formal communications in organizations and businesses carried out by participants with certain objectives expressed and negotiated in the course of the meeting. Successful meetings are those that engage negotiation strategies to focus and achieve desired objectives. These strategies need to be carried out in a very conducive manner so as not to offend opponent yet reach the end results amicably. For this purpose, Joan Mulholland (1991) recommends certain kind of speech acts chosen to represent a range of meanings and significance designed to represent and develop negotiation content. These acts should be considered often and may be integrated in negotiation dialogues to express certain context and performance of certain actions. Mulholland posit that communication during a negotiation meeting entail the use of body language as well as speech specification. Careful use of language notations and sentence structure can greatly influence the results of the encounter. For example one of the most important parts of meetings is the participants acceptance or rejection of proposed ideas. Depending on the individual perception offer or proposal can be accepted, rejected or reach a compromise. Depending on how the proposal is presented the response from the participants can damage cooperation behaviour and result in conflict situation if it is rejected. To mediate and elicit a positive response even if the participant is hesitant about accepting the proposed idea should demonstrate a cooperative attitude by acknowledging the ideas without acceptance by saying Thats an idea worth consideration; given general acceptance like we would be keen to do something along those lines on day. or set up a response from other participants or voice hesitation before acceptance (Mulholland 1991). On the other hand in cases of real acceptance of ideas participants should not hasten to communicate acceptance immediately but should ask for additional information and reports to reach to informed decisions. The important aspect of the meeting is to show to the participants that the outcome should be mutual. Furthermore, acceptance in situations of business meetings should be entirely separate from the person who has communicated and negotiated the deal. The communicator should communicate the fact that the organization or institutions with which he is associated and himself are two different entities and any personal remarks should not constitute as business dialogues. The content or objectives of the meeting should also be separated from participants who attend it. These considerations are important for participants to be objective in their decisions whether it is a rejection or acceptance or something in between (Mulholland 1991). Hence, a human resources manager conducting a performance appraisal (a type of meeting) should communicate its objectivity and his/her role as the mediator and the organizations requirement. He/she should also communicate the separation of the employees records and performance outcome from himself the evaluator. Any negative outcome from the performance appraisal meeting should not be associated with the ill-will of the appraiser. This can be expressed through verbal communication between the participant s. Effective meetings The above dynamics are critical for influencing the progress of meetings in the desired direction of organizational objectives. However, implementing these dynamics does not necessarily guarantee efficacy of meetings. Instead there are certain procedures that need to be followed and managed for meetings to achieve its objectivity. Adair and Thomas (2003) prescribe preparation and the following formality:  ¢ planning  ¢ Informality  ¢ Participation  ¢ Purpose  ¢ Leadership They also outline the importance of purpose in meetings:  ¢ To pool available information  ¢ To make decisions  ¢ To let off steam/tension  ¢ To change attitudes  ¢ To instruct/teach Gathering information, reports, agendas and laying out technical data or equipment in advance are helpful. Meetings should be purposeful so that the information relegated is meaningful for the participants to absorb, analyze and make decisions. Whether it is a meeting of signing contracts, an employee-employer appraisal meeting or a purchase of an asset, advance planning is critical in enabling the participants to focus on the objectives. Since meetings are of groups of people from different background, different meetings tend to develop personalities of its own. Leaders or the chair persons must make efforts to understand the personality of the participants conformity, values, attitudes, prejudice or power so that they can effectively communicate in a certain manner to influence participants thinking (Adair and Thomas 2003). Furthermore, Kellie Fowler (2005) is of the opinion that running effective meetings is inherent in the skills of the leader who is managing the meeting. The leader should: Generate an agenda to all involved in the meeting Start the discussion and encourage active participation Work to keep the meeting at a comfortable pace not moving too fast or too slow Summarize the discussion and the recommendations at the end of each logical section Circulate minutes to all participants (Fowler 2005) But perhaps the most important aspect is the fine tuning of negotiation skills so that outcomes can be achieved. The first step is to choose the right participants to contribute to the decision making and problem solving initiatives. The key is to try to keep the number of participants to 12 and ensure that they are knowledgeable in the issue under consideration. The leaders role in enumerating on the agenda, guiding the participants and direct them towards it, and summing up of the debate is critical as he/she is the one who rounds up the various views to resolve the issues discussed. Confusions, misunderstanding and mix-up of any sort should be clarified before decisions are made. The basic premise for such meetings often stem from the debates or negotiating points presented by the participants. The leader or the chairperson acting as the mediator must keep the above communication principles and dynamics in mind to guide the participants in taking part in the decision and not feel neglected or lose out in the negotiation. Conclusion The above report on meetings enumerate on the process and management of effective meetings. It also outlines the importance of negotiation skills in contributing to successful business meetings under certain circumstances. The purpose of meetings as discussed is to focus on planned agenda and achieve desired outcomes. Many business meetings deviate from this focus and tend to result in inefficacy and waste of time. For this reason it is recommended that meeting participants develop planned agendas, focus on objectives and agenda, and direct the flow of communication dialogues in the same direction. More importantly, for business meetings to reach its desired conclusions, participants should engage in amicable negotiation strategies in which both parties attain a win-win situation. This adage has proven beneficial and fruitful for meetings participants as it relegated non-aggressive business conduct and communication yet at the same time achieves the desired corporate objectives. Successful meetings therefore are those that engage in extensive preparation, allow time for participants to understand agendas and purpose of the meeting and equip themselves with information for debates and discussion. Meetings that elicit positive response engage participants in positive and non-aggressive dialogues by allowing them to communicate their ideas and reservations. The leader or the participant has the choice to reject or accept or compromise but these should be communicated in an amiable manner without offending the opposing parties and at the same time do not compromise ones own position. Overall successful meetings are those that influence the objectives which the participants had before they entered the meeting room and persuade them to see ones own point of view and adopt it. References Barrett, D. J. 2004, A best-practice approach to designing a change communication programme from Sandra Oliver, A Handbook of Corporate Communication and Strategic Public Relations: Pure and Applied. Routledge: New York. p20. Foster, J. Jul 2004, Negotiate Defensively, Successful Meetings. Vol.53, Iss. 8; pg. 24 Manktelow, J. 2005, Win-Win Negotiation: Finding a fair compromise. Mind Tools, Accessed on 26-11-2005 from: Mulholland, J. 1991, The Language of Negotiation: A Handbook of Practical Strategies for Improving Communication. Routledge: New York p137. Ramundo, B. A. 1994, The Bargaining Manager: Enhancing Organizational Results through Effective Negotiation. Quorum Books: Westport, CT. p85. Timm, P. R. 1997, How to Hold Successful Meetings: 30 Action Tips for Managing Effective Meetings (30-Minute Solutions Series), Career Press.